Ban Request Against keberT xelA Target Name: keberT xelA Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158772030 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: Viral Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 1:23 AM GMT 08/10/2016 DD/MM/YYYY Server: Devinity Flood US #1 What rules the target broke: 09. Do not discriminate against other players. (On the basis of religion, sex, race, orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.) Briefly explain what happened: Was just playing flood and this member of the community comes out with this very disrespectful, racist comment. Screenshot evidence: Video evidence: N/A Other evidence: N/A
This is a very mild offense. So I'm only going to issue a 30 minute ban. Normally for something like this, I'd just give a warning. I appreciate the report nonetheless!