Ban Request Against [LC] !BarT!, Sergey Тёмный Target 1: [LC] !BarT! (STEAM_0:1:60140064)Target 2: Sergey Тёмный (STEAM_0:1:32017095) (Forum Profile) Requester: Plutotito (STEAM_0:0:171210446) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 2017-11-17 15:58:39 UTCServer: Devinity Battle Royale EU #1What rules the target broke: 3: No spamming of any kind. This includes but is not limited to:3a: Voice spamBriefly explain what happened: They are spamming, play music, loud noises, etc, Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....013/F644B12D03C0B21BF1EF08325306F321292E0520/
Evidence is not sufficient enough for me to ban them, in future please add recordings, gmod has demo recorder built in itself. Denied.