Ban Request Against lukeready2 Target 1: lukeready2 (STEAM_0:0:202268816) Requester: TheMLGStove -TPF- (STEAM_0:1:84267295) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 2017-08-09 21:53:09 UTCServer: Devinity Flood US #1What rules the target broke: 1: Do not minge or sabotage fellow players.2c: Trapping players + pinning boats down.8a: Your fellow peers.Briefly explain what happened: Sabotaged our boat and cursing because we were shooting at him and he got salty Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....000/C08F9182986210217F1596A8C34B0B409481EEA5/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....451/14909119F54603ABFDCC425092308017A081416B/ Other evidence: Has been formerly reported so I'm fairly sure this was intentional.