Ban Request Against Puppy Monkey Baby Target Name: Puppy Monkey Baby Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158024235 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: classic Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: GMT +8 3:15 AM Server: Devinity Flood US #2 What rules the target broke: 09. Do not discriminate against other players. (On the basis of religion, sex, race, orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.) 14. Do not create offensive teamnames. (avoid creating teams with racial phonetic spelling; see 8 & 9) Briefly explain what happened: Picture is pretty self explanatory Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....938/F8976F61F747DEA49655B4CEDFCAEEDC624B4C25/ Video evidence: Other evidence: