Ban Request Against RaptorProphet Target Name: RaptorProphet Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63463723 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: イシカワ (Ishikawa) Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 05:40 AM (GMT+3) Server: Devinity Flood EU #2 What rules the target broke: 06. Do not truce. (Go solo or make a team. Nothing in between) Briefly explain what happened: 3 Guys (first 1 Solo 2 in Team, then 1 Solor joined another Team, continues teaming with the other 2) Screenshot evidence: - Video evidence:!kXhhDYJY!CBH86uHxLXA3tNie_xyq7y96G2oraQ6Rz0T6K4eTIec Other evidence: -