Ban Request Against Sam Pepper Target Name: Sam Pepper Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52564757 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: Silver Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 12 am UTC-6:00. 1/24/16 Server: Devinity Flood EU #1 What rules the target broke: 10. Do not disrespect Devinity administration or your fellow players. (This includes harassment of any kind) 11. Do not discriminate against other players. (On the basis of religion, sex, race, orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.) Briefly explain what happened: Him and a friend were harassing numerous different players. His friend TDWR: STEAM_0:1:90264864 Screenshot evidence: It's a harassment report, just check the chat logs please, I reporting this for some other person named Nastyxeron. Video evidence: Other evidence:
@SilverMario I searched the chat logs and could not find anything. The problem with searching the logs is that it's very difficult to search for these things without specifics. You say it was 12 am UTC-6:00. 1/24/16 and that's pretty vague. when I search the logs I only get the first 100 results when searching a time frame. So if you say it happened at 12 but it actually happened at 12:15, then it probably wouldn't show up. Also, why didn't you take screenshots of the harassment in question? I have no doubt that it did happen however just like everyone else I can't do anything without proof. If you can give me a better time frame of when it happened I could do another search. Otherwise I'll have to deny this.
I didn't take screenshots because I stopped the harassment when I joined the server, so anything I saw was minimal, you can go ahead and close this because I am pretty sure Sam won't be returning to the servers anyway.
Alright, just keep in mind next time to get some evidence of some kind. If you could have given a specific time frame I could have probably found some chat logs.