Ban Request Against VOVAN Target 1: VOVAN (STEAM_0:1:148276520) Requester: [Private]Rico (STEAM_0:1:26632907) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 15:40 PM UTC +2.0Server: Devinity Flood US #1What rules the target broke: 1: Do not minge or sabotage fellow players.2c: Trapping players + pinning boats down.6b: Chat box spamBriefly explain what happened: Dude started asking for 10.000 and i told him that he already have 17k and stop asking. He came near me for two rounds and stayed near my boat and blocked my spawn props. On the third round he started blocking me with the half circle wood thing. I warned him to stop but he did not. In the third round i decided to record him. THanks! Video evidence: