Ban Request for jessss

Discussion in 'Denied' started by BarackObamasButtHole, Jun 13, 2015.

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  1. BarackObamasButtHole

    BarackObamasButtHole Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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  2. Jacob

    Jacob John Serving Cena Cakes

    Apr 24, 2015
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    I know Jess, she is calm and respects the rules. Have you two aggravated her in any way?
  3. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    I have talked to the player and has given me some information about you players as well.
    I will warn both of you next time to talk to me about it, instead of pointing fingers at each other.

    Also~ You did not use the ban request template which you can find here-
    And you didnt put it in the correct place where you can find here-

    Thank you for your lovely support of Devinity. Please post again when you have a problem with a player or add me on steam and tell me about it! :heart:

    Ban request denied.
  4. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Regardless of whether or not this player was aggravated beforehand, this person has still clearly broken a rule by prop-pushing.

    Even in circumstances where a person is retaliating, this is still against the rules. Many players have been banned for retaliating in this way and just because you may have a positive reputation or history, you are not exempt from the rules, just as the "They did it first" approach will not pardon you.

    I have banned the user for the short period of 1 day because that is a normal ban period for an offence like this. @Alex We do not pardon people from breaking rules situationally, rulebreaking is dealt with regardless of context because there are no accepted excuses.
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  5. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    There is a reason why I didnt ban them. How about you talk to me about it instead of dealing with the bans I have already dealt with ?
    • Useful Useful x 2
  6. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I have to agree with @Rick on this in a sense (Minus the overriding of bans.. but that's a different story). I trust you guys 100% when it comes to administration but I think Rick felt the same as me when I first seen this thread. I just decided to let it go. So let me just take a moment to tell you what I seen.

    1. A player is clearly breaking the rules in the provided evidence.
    2. Someone on the forum defends the player saying "they respect the rules" but clearly the rules were broken.
    3. An admin replies and mentions that they have spoken to the player in question and states "both players were at fault" with no evidence to back it up.
    4. Both players were warned, none were punished.

    My initial conclusion was. "I really hope this isn't one of those cases where our staff are giving light punishments to friends..." Which is exactly what this looks like. I don't intend it to be mean or anything. I just wanted to be honest since Rick replied and I was thinking the same thing.

    Minus what I have posted above, I think that this was handled beautifully as the general rule of thumb is:

    Warn - Warn when possible
    Kick - Kick when a warn doesn't/won't work
    Ban - Ban when Warning and Kicking doesn't work or is unavailable.

    Finial thoughts

    While warning the player wasn't an option to me or Rick. It was to Alex. So I think this was handled pretty fairly overall minus some alarming thoughts.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Great. Now if you were actually with me in this situation, you would know, I have not ever chosen favorites towards anyone. I have kicked people from the server breaking the rules that were very CLOSE to me. They got pissed at me but all I said was "Just because your my close friend, does not make you under the rules."
    This player was in my TS channel and I explained to her AS A WARN that what she did was wrong. That next time these players give her problems, to come to me instead. I always have done that, if I can talk to the player and tell them its wrong and they agree to not do it again. Thats what I decided to do. On top of, the person making the ban request didnt use the right template- or even put it in the right place. (I moved it)
    Rick just decided to come into here, say my verdict is wrong when he didnt even know why I made the verdict. In my opinion, she shouldnt have been banned because I had the chance to talk to her. She agreed not to do it again. Next time ask me my verdict reason-not just change it. If then when you talked to me you still wanted to change it, then I would have not gotten upset.
  8. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    The fact is that Alex warned Jess, which is part of the process. Rick failed to see if any other punishment had been given before banning. Regardless the ban is probably already expired anyway. Communication is key guys.
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  9. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Thank you.
  10. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Preferably we can stop writing unjustified essays about this ban and realize that @Alex is a capable administrator for the past year. She handled the request at her discretion. If you don't want to verbally communicate with her or a higher power about the way she opted to handle it then don't waste time posting. Otherwise, it makes us all look like fools when we decide to debate mindlessly in a public thread.

    As staff at Devinity we should harbor mutual respect for one another, and communicate accordingly.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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