When we were buffing weapon damage up, the galil was overlooked because of its fairly low recoil. Still I believe we should buff the damage up from 2 to 3 because it has grown to be a fairly unused and unpopular weapon on Flood. I for one enjoy using the galil and given the fact that the TMP does more damage and has the same amount of recoil, it wouldn't hurt to bring it up by one. Thoughts?
I have brought this issue to Bayrock multiple times. There are other crappy weapons that could really use a buff too, like the Deagle.
almost exactly a year ago weren't we discussing buffing the deagle and the colt to make one have more penetration and the other do more damage? did that not go through lol
The galil is fine as of right now due to its current value (as it serves most likely a starter weapon for most people) almost resembles the famas by a tad i would tweak the m4 so its recoil/spread isn't so absurd edit: posted this when i was on fight phase so sorry, i'll go into more detail The galil is good where its standing right now since it is just another variant of the SMG but the spread isn't all that bad. m16 should be reconfigured as well as the ar2 since they're both basically the same deal
Lots of things don't go through for all sorts of reasons. It's not up to me to make the decision on what changes are made.
I believe the deagle and colt were buffed, deagle's doing 7 and colt is doing 8 along with the smg having grenades.
Heres what I've come up with Galil should stay AK should stay (same as famas but recoil is shit) Pulse (ar2) should potentially get buffed since spread/recoil is going to be utterly shit on 2.0 maybe add some type of special attribute. (such as the balls?) M16 should have its recoil/spread reduced just like the famas
I want the pulse rufle to shoot balls so I can shoot them into peoples faces and be like "Balls on yo face!!!!"
Probably because it seemed like a meh feature at the time or there were other projects to work on at the time.
Doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with it either way. You guys came up with the idea, so I'm sure you can come up with some happy medium. :thumb:
I remember I suggested something similar for SMG and donkie said it'd be to hard to code upgrading weapons...but what if we have two different weapons on the server (one w/ and one /wo pulses) and the standard appears in the store. When you hit upgrade you're actually basically buying and replacing that wep with another one. This would create an illusion to players making them think they're just upgrading the gun.
I'm not 100% sure if it would be something hard to code or not. I really doubt its "hard" to code. Just time consuming. You could always tag him and ask.
He seems to have spurts of activity on the forums, i think its like 5 in the morning where he lives so ig I'll wait to tomorrow to mention it to him.
I agree with some of the comments to keep the galil how it is. It is a starter weapon, not a long term weapon.
Like i said previously I understand that idea but also think using my upgrading system that I posted, it would fit nicely.