I was wondering if we can get a giveaway section where everyone goes to post threads about doing a lil' giveaway over the next couple of days I've got some CS:GO/TF2/Dota giveaway mainly CS:GO because i played that a lot and now I've quit, and i know I've got some Dota 2 keys to giveaway as well, so it'd be best to put the threads there and not fill up the General Discussion with Giveaways as it is not needed. I mean if it's to much work it's not necessary i was hoping it wouldn't be though or at least expecting. @Bayrock @Donkie
Lol, meh... not as rich as the guy that has like 150,000 US Dollars into CS:GO Which is really really sad.. but meh
Don't tag the staff in threads, the point is that the community looks over your thread as a whole and then if people are in favour of whatever change you want the people in charge will make said change. I don't really see a Giveaways section being necessary because we don't really get many giveaways as is, certainly not enough to justify a subsection for it. The Off-Topics section is good enough imo.