I want to vote to change colours and remove them from the shoutbox if they still look bad in there. As is there's no real colour scheme and Having Blue, Two greens a pink and a red is dumb. I'd personally like. Owner - Devinity Green or Silverish (Bold) S.Admin - Dark red (Colour or admin now) (Bold) Admin - exactly the same Moderator - Blue (Bold) Jr.Moderator - Blue That way there are less colours and it looks more structured. One of the reasons it looks dumb in the shoutbox is that it's all over the place. Also the current colour for jr.mod is odd because it is similar to buttons like "post reply"
I think the colors are really weird, But still a nice touch just change colors its gonna kill my eyes
Alright looks like most people just want to change up the colors. Here are the colors to choose from: For simplicity, top to bottom are red, green, light blue, dark blue, & purple. Founder will stay as is which is a light bluish green. Super Admin is currently purple, Admin red, Moderator light blue, Jr. Mod green.
Why do we have colours to choose from? Do you not know how to use styles? Can't you just make some more actually good colours which fit an actual theme?
We don't have to fit a theme for this stuff, it's just colors for staff and VIP. I'm not redesigning or making a new color theme for the forums. I'm just trying to expand and make things look less dull by adding some colors other than blue and black. @Donkie actually chose these colors based of the HSV scale. Besides if I let everyone just choose whatever colors they want, we wouldn't get anywhere because like i've said a dozen times already, everyone has different taste in colors that they like. The changing colors option was for changing which staff had what colors, not changing the colors completely. So the color choices are going to stay, but which staff they apply to will change. I'm nearly on the verge of just reversing everything I did and going back to the old dull ass colors we had before since I can't seem to make anyone happy with this.
No I mean you gave a list of a bunch of colours for the names. Just picking and choosing colours that look good individually doesn't look good but choosing a limited amount of colours and just changing them slightly and making sure they look nice with the grey theme is what I mean. The way you came across you sounded like you wanted us to pick from the list of 10 colours you gave.
This is exactly what Donkie did to come up with those colors.... they aren't randomly picked by me or him.
What do people think about this? (In example Dr.Pits name is what S.A would look like). I was thinking about seeing what a darker blue would look like.
For new users, this will really confuse them of what rank they are, the bold is really not that noticeable if you're new. I think it's decent how it is, maybe change the colors somewhat.