Hi, Recently I've seen some users making competitive teams and it sparked an idea for me. A form of flood competitive could add life to the gamemode, it'd be nice if we had a recurring competition with possible prizes? Here's the basic idea. -Every two months, a competitive season is held. -8 teams of 6 compete, the leader of each team choosing which user players for each match. Colours represent teams. (Sorry for scruffy diagram, made it quickly.) -Also, I think US 3 could be turned into the competitive server. It's never as popular as other servers when I check. it could be locked when not in use for competitive. -People could spectate the games with !afk. Week One -Teams are selected for entry and sorted. Week Two -Teams compete until there is 4 teams left. Week Three -Teams compete until there is two teams left Week Four -Last two teams compete for the win To compete, a player could fill out the following application and send it to a staff member or post it in a forum section created for Competitive Flood. EDIT: Lowered Template in-game rank requirement to 30 Spoiler Competitive Flood Entry Template -All team members must be in-game rank 30+ -Must have read and be experienced with all rules and regulations -You may not have more than 2 bans on record (Seriousness of bans could affect chances of entering) -Only the team leader may apply In-game name: Steam ID: Team Name: Team Leader: Team Members (Include ranks for players): I understand and have read the rules, shall not complain and will show good sportsmanship. Also, if this is to be implemented I'd be more than happy to run it. But I'd understand if higher up staff members would rather have control.
I would have a few days ago, the idea that you could insert master shaft ranks. but that would be crap. So as the CS GO ranking system.
I think this idea is GREAT and can bring a different type of playing system to the community. I would love to help if posible
this is a great idea as we all know flood can get bland and this idea and hopefully one day feature of the servers could bring some flavor to the flood servers and maybe should work on your drawing
you realize you can just use the line tool in paint right i would dislike playing a casual laid back gamemode like flood competitively, and to me it seems flood would be boring 1 on 1, but I can see the appeal I guess some things you might want to look out for: -this game mode especially with an incentive involved would inevitably cause major trucing -requires more moderation (presumably) -i don't see the reason for the "must be level 50+" rule, sure it doesn't take much to level but why does it even matter, or why is it that high in the first place? lower brackets will get rid of newbies regardless. itd make more sense if the level requirement was 10-20, or if there's flat out none at all because the gamemode is for fun anyway -bracket you laid out seems pretty small, maybe require a pools qualification type of deal or add more brackets? i doubt only 6 teams would apply considering this is a matter of two months per competitive game -two months per tourney is pretty absurd itself, flood doesn't rlly need much planning or practice, lowering it to a month makes more sense -dealing with a time restraints per round, fights could potentially end up as long boring drawn out firefights -deciding on a coordinator in another thought, betting on which team would win seems pretty cool, and devinity has gotten like 8 threads already on betting so it might be time to incorporate that into this gamemode (if this gamemode actually comes into fruition)
It bothered my eyes -.- if they are truceing on the Competitive Flood Server. they gets a un-whitelist and a longer ban than usual. More Moderations? 3+ moderators -> 3+ Junior Mods -> 5+ Possible Moderators -> Players that follows the rules. If you think so. I would introduce a Special Achievement that is needed to make an application.
this is my favorite thread out of all the threads I know of it has loads of comments aka community feedback and is a really good Idea I give this thread my full support
Same here I was talking to him earlier and apparently he got the idea from one of my posts for my competitive team I am trying to start up I offered my help and I am still waiting to see if this will be added in Flood Update 2.0
yeah you make a good point there should be a reward for wining a competitive match and getting 1st place like maybe a new gun added just for getting first place in a tournament
Rather than something like a bronze rank, I was thinking something like $50,000 for each player and a forum tag that says 'Season 1 Champion' or something like that.