Disclaimer: This is solely my opinion and IS NOT MEANT TO OFFEND OR ENCROACH UPON SOMEONE OR ANYONE. If you do have a qualm with my placing, feel free to private message me to work it out. I have created an alignment chart for a selected 9 members of Devinity that are here or used to be here, a la Dungeons & Dragons. My reason behind the creation of this was solely because I thought this would be a good idea (and I was bored, but that's secretly the reason behind anything and everything). Here it is: Spoiler From top left to bottom right: 1. @Dawson 2. @CounterCraftz 3. Rick 4. @Decap 5. @Dr. Pit Lazarus 6. @Mapplesauce 7. @Alex 8. Firedraft 9. Ethan
Pit never takes sides in debates. Pit is ridiculously chill, and is truely super neutral. He doesn't do anything bad for sure but doesnt do anything that screams justice or advocates good. In the same way I'm neutral in that i don't go out of my way to preach bad things or lawfully good things, he seems to be neutral as he truely doesnt give a shit. the difference is I'm chaotic because I just do whatever the fuck I want that I find enjoyable sometimes regardless of consequences
I suppose so. Ethan's more like the rebel looking for the greater good, but I thought the before-he-fell Rick is definitely a force of good.