Idea "Dynamic" Damage

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Nyaaa~ ∑:3, Jan 20, 2017.


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  1. Nyaaa~ ∑:3

    Nyaaa~ ∑:3 Old Champion

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I dont know if this idea was discussed before me, but I want to introduce it to you all anyway.

    So, as you may know, most weapons (if not all) deal only that number of damage, that was given to them. "Static" damage. This damage does not change, and its number remains the same.

    • For example: No matter how and what prop you shoot with Crossbow - It will deal 10 damage. Always. No crtiz, do Double Damages.
    Now, what "Dynamic" damage does? It adds not one, but several numbers of damage to the gun. With this, players might rely not only for their skills, but luck.

    • Example: Same Crossbow will deal random number of damage from 9 to 11. It might be 10, might be 9, might be 11, and players cannot predict what comes next.

    Same can go to more powerfull weapons. Like MG, perhabs. Instead of 6, it can deal damage from 4 to 7. Or Rocket Launcher. Instead of 20 it can deal from 15 to 30. TMP? From 2 to 5. And it can go on and on, with many warriations and combinations.

    But still, its just an example, that might not predict future changes for weapons and theyr damage outcome. Some weapons better have "Static" damage just for the sake of "stability". Otherwise it will be "Luck only" in each round, no matter what you bring to the fight, right?
    • Like Like x 2
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  2. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    To me this just be completely pointless. For one giving the weapons a range would not only annoy people but it would probably just even it out to the average (concerning the mg 4-7 would even out to probably an average of 5.5 which is lower than its original amount. Why would you nerf something that's fine as it is?)

    Dynamic Damge has its place in the world but not flood.
  3. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I like the concept but why change over from what we have now?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Nyaaa~ ∑:3

    Nyaaa~ ∑:3 Old Champion

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Well, there are multiple answers on that question.

    First of all, we always trying to find an "perfect" point of damage. Not nerfed, not OP. And that point is always getting away from its current position from time to time, so we tweak weapon damage time and time again. So why should we put one number, when we can add several? Simple.

    Second of all, it would bring life to some weapons that are rarely used, like Pistols, Crossbow, some SMG's. Bring something "fresh" to the players. New and old.

    Third, Im not telling that ALL of the current weapons should have "Dynamic" damage output. I've used existing armory as an example, so it should stay as an example. Maybe some of the upcoming weapons would work great with this kind of damage, or some of the existing ones could work great with this kind of damage as well.

    And, Its just an idea, that can find its place somewhere else, if not here.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  5. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    This would be useless imo, they have set damage for a reason, and flood shouldn't be about luck of getting more damage, it should be about skill and teamwork and using certain weapons because they have certain damage, E.G The awp does 12 damage and can't be spammed, if this idea was implemented you'd have the SVU that can do more damage than the AWP if lucky enough + it being spammed, making it based on luck whether you kill someone since you knew you would probably get more damage, so unless this sort of thing was just a low-chance thing, or you had to find the perfect spot on each prop to get the higher damages like the centre of gravity on the prop, i don't see this having a place in flood, just my opinion.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Seth

    Seth That Guy Platinum VIP Gold VIP

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I for one agree with this idea and think that it should be implemented in a small way to start with. I believe it's strongest point would be the bringing to life of the weapons that are rarely used, that it would definitely accomplish.

    I like the idea of adding a little bit of chance to the game with a few of the weapons that are rarely used, with the possible damages only going up and down by a few points of damage, that makes it so there is not any ability to get some super critical hit, and would usually only make small differences. This would still let the game be about skill and teamwork and whatnot, but also add some spice to the game, and would not be hard to implement (I think).

    So perhaps we just start with modifying one or two guns damage numbers and go from there? It would also definitely make me want to buy the gun more if I saw that in it's stats rather than a simple single number. It wold just make it all a little bit more exciting and I believe it would be a good addition to the game.
  7. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    "Subjectively speaking" Can we just discuss and buff the weapons that people don't use or, just give them as starter weapons to noobs? It's a whole lot simpler than creating a new damage system. I like the idea but I'm not convinced it's superior to the current damage system.
    • Agree Agree x 3