Going along with many other ideas people have brought up a couple times, I believe we should make some of the already existing props, immune or resistant to explosions and fire. I suggest that all metal props can NOT catch on fire, whatsoever, and that other props consisting of plastic have resistance to fire, either the fire does less damage to plastic props, or they have a chance not to catch on fire when hit with weapons that usually set the prop on fire. With this being suggested, I also suggest that wooden props take more damage from fire then other props. As for explosions, I have no specific examples to give for resistant or immune props, but can suggest that some metal props be immune and can protect other props from taking explosive damage. A good example would be using metal props with a lot of health to protect paper towel rolls which have only 1 health. This suggestion being implemented might make the car and paper towel roll much more useful, as they were previously very rarely used props. Paper towel roll props are useless in game with almost everyone having the smg grenades or some other type of explosive or fire weapon, if you used the paper towel roll prop, the moment someone used an explosive or fire weapon on your props, the prop would cease to exist. This is a very undeveloped idea and is highly open to almost any and all suggestions/ideas that you guys would like to add to the current suggestion/idea. Thanks.
Well maybe there Can be an effect or an equity that makes the metal prop fire resistant for 1-2 rounds or so.
As in a one use item? A splendid idea! Although we might need to make it generally cheap, that sounds perfect.
This is what I was thinking. In Guns of Icarus there is a tool that prevents fires for a certain amount of time. We could try to find something similar to use that could replace or be included with the fire extinguisher.
With respect to the idea of making certain props fire-proof/ fire-resistant, way ahead of you on that. http://devinity.org/threads/add-additional-mechanics-for-prop-materials.2474/
I like the idea and could perhaps be nice addition to 2.0, I suggest you take this directly to the devs.
I like this idea and think it is a good suggestion but I don't believe that all metal props should be completely immune to fire such as commonly used props like the iron doors. Or instead of all metal props being immune to fire, maybe they won't light on fire in a single hit?