On Hold Flood - Prestige rewards!

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by jeffreythe00, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Hello everyone!

    We are currently considering the idea of allowing you to reset your progress on Flood. This will be irreversible.

    Please tell us what types of rewards you would like to see. No promises that your idea will get picked and we won't be adding anything that will give you an advantage. (Example: OP weapons ect.)

    Looking forward to hearing your feedback! In the meantime, we will be discussing possible rewards.
  2. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Maybe cosmetic items E.G Prestige 1 "A Fez" Prestige 2 "Ghille Suit" Prestige 3 "Daft Punk Head" < All examples for the purpose of showing my thought process.
    EDIT : Also, Maybe 1k extra starting money or something, Maybe more than 1k, but it is debatable, Feel free to leave suggestion on the price on the community thinks would be appropriate.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
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  3. Seth

    Seth That Guy Platinum VIP Gold VIP

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I agree with this idea, it would give players who are high levels with lots of experience to start from scratch, and get a little bonus because of it.

    The prestige level should be 100 in my opinion. On top of that we need to decide if there should be a max number of prestige's you can make, if we were going to have a max I would say around 15 times would be good, however, I do not think we should have a max number of prestige's you can make, but instead have something that benefits the person who prestige's but is not giving an advantage, it also needs to be able to be given an infinite amount of times.

    As for the reward I am thinking that if you prestige you will receive a title underneath your name or next to your name, for instance, master, legendary, veteran, god, dedicated, gunslinger, fanatic, barrel (don't question it, barrel is the highest rank possible, it is the best and always will be, a barrel.), pro, expert, experienced, sergeant, admiral, etc.

    That's not all the reward should be though, the person is giving up everything, I think that they should also receive a permanent item from the store of their choice, perhaps once you make this item permanent it becomes gold or something, showing people that you have a prestiged item would be great and not give an advantage. Items that cost more then 150 tokens should be off limits for even people who prestige, that shit you gotta grind for.
    The player should also receive a special material that only their prestige level can have, like, a 1 star material, then a 2 star material (as in, a literal picture of two stars next to each other, covering your boat) etc.

    There could be some other things for rewards, however, when a player first starts in flood they receive a starting $10,000, I believe that people who prestige should start with an extra $25,000, giving them a total of $35,000 to start with from scratch, choosing a few decent weapons to work with. I believe either that they should receive the extra cash, or should start with only $500, going in the complete opposite direction, make the very experienced and prestiged player start with only $500 and a pistol, this would mean preventing prestiged players from receiving the $5,000 for being too poor, if someone who was level 100 couldn't figure out how to make money with this setup, then that sucks for them in my opinion, if they are really desperately out of cash, they can team up with someone and use their boats for quick cash. Either or in my opinion.

    There are many other things that could be implemented here and added on, I will continue to think about this idea and how it could be made better, thank you for bringing it up, please leave feedback and comments about what I have posted below, thanks.
  4. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    @Seth Yeah, if this idea does get implemented we were thinking level 100 would be where we would allow prestige to be unlocked.

    Max prestige is something that could be discussed. I think it really depends on what the reward is.

    I can perhaps work on making some prestige icons for it. I think the icons should go behind your Level.

    I think prefixes are a little silly because it would take up more space in chat. (IE: Prestige 1 [Gold] Jeffreythe00: "See what I mean?")

    A person is essentially giving up everything but we have no way to stop you from selling all of your weapons, cash and tokens; Giving it to a friend and rebuying it all. So perhaps a prestiege should have a buy-in? (We have not worked this out fully yet)

    No token/cash reductions will be given. People will simply abuse it.

    The increased starting cash could be done. It really comes down to what people want.

    A penalty for prestigeing seems a bit silly. You're right, if you made it far enough to prestige you "should" know how to use your cash. We have already set a coldown on the welfare check. So people can't abuse it as they did in the past.

    No worries man. Any feedback is welcome. You guys are the ones who are going to have to deal with it. So you should have a say in it.

    Keep thinking of ideas and post them. You have nothing to lose by doing so. I'm here to listen and give you feedback if I can.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    Stuff for "Prestige"/"Cycles"/"Asension":
    • Cosmetics
    • Player models (interesting ones...)
    • Tokens
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    I agree with cosmetics but not in the state that Viral is talking about them. Prestige cosmetics should not be available elsewise (ex. What if the player already has daft punk or chilliest suit) a cash reward should go with it and maybe a marker going over the persons head indicating they are prestige.
  7. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    I understand where you are coming from Wolfgang, Ofc, that was just a "rough" idea of what it'd be like, perhaps an edited version of what I said is like you get 3 options "Double XP for 2 hours" (Don't know if able to be implemented) A free weapon token for any weapon up to 20000 (Don't know if able to implement) Or simply like you said, a cosmetic people don't already have/ they get offered a choice of 2/3 items they want and pick one, If they don't want one of said items there is an option to trade the choice of cosmetics to tokens and take that deal.
  8. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    Interesting and maybe we could do something like that but I also believe we should still hold rewards only prestiged players can unlock, that way they actually have an interest in prestiging( another example is a very wealthy player wants a cosmetic but can't get it because even though he'd be able to afford it, he's not prestige so he hasn't unlocked it yet)
  9. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Sorry to toss a wrench into this conversation but what if a player doesn't want to prestige? Should they never be allowed to have the exclusive stuff you'd earn from the prestige?
  10. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Maybe tokens / cash to unlock an item E.G E.X.O Suit = Prestige 5 so maybe 10 tokens per prestige so 50 tokens to unlock then the amount it usually costs to buy.

    EDIT: E.X.O Suit is just an Example :)
  11. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    It's the same concept as wings
  12. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    How about this.

    For each prestige level, you will earn a badge to go behind your rank to indicate your prestige. These badges are a toggle-able option to put on the spawnable flags as an added bonus on your first prestige.

    Prestige 1: A set of wings (Dawson probably already has a few options)
    Prestige 2: A Hat
    Prestige 3: Something similar to the shoulder pig
    Prestige 4: A player model and so on.

    Theres a million ways we can do this. We all just need to come together and figure out something everyone can agree upon. Thats the best bet.
  13. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    I see where you're going with this now, perhaps Prestige Master would be something super awesome the equivalent to what the rainbow fez used to be. Perhaps a unique player model if Dawson and I can find one.
  14. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I had planned to talk to Dawson tonight about possible rewards to see what we can come up with. I do think, whatever reward the last rank gets should be good. Perhaps some weapon reskins are in order? :p
  15. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Sorry to double post. What do you guys think?

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  16. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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  17. Seth

    Seth That Guy Platinum VIP Gold VIP

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I am here to comment on your reply's, and bring up a few things in my reply that were not addressed, I believe that they are good ideas so I would like to have them addressed by the other players as you would understand.

    First, I would like to clear up my idea of, "penalty" for prestige, it is meant to be seen as an improvement in difficulty to the game since you are becoming better at it and choosing to step up your rank, it is still fine if this idea is denied, just thought I should clear up how it was being thought about.

    The things in my reply that were addressed are, max prestige, prefixes, increased starting cash, penalty for prestige, and there might be one more thing but I'm pretty sure that's it. Immediately after Jeffrey's reply the rest of the info in my reply appeared to be just dropped sadly.

    Some things I would like to be discussed and thought about are (I revised some of the ideas because I believed I saw misunderstandings in what I was trying to show), a permanent accessory from the store, you would NOT be able to sell it, you could have the option of not getting one (?), it would be colored gold, the player would get to choose the one they wanted, and accessory's over the cost of 150 tokens would not be acquirable by prestige, you would have to save up cash and get them yourself, you can not get these items in gold.

    Another thing is the prestige material spray, perhaps a very desirable material that can only be acquired through prestige.

    Ok now, about other peoples stuff, Viral's edited idea: To be blatantly honest I disagree with this idea as a reward for people who prestige, now, I don't think there is anything wrong with the 3 sample choices you gave as rewards, and the way you put this is very creative, but I just feel like it is not the right way to go about giving the prestiged players a reward.

    Wolfgang's response to Virals idea: Of course we should have rewards only prestiged players can unlock, that would be the main point of prestiging in my opinion, leaving that out would be ridiculous.

    Jeffrey's wrench: no wrench at all my friend, there is no doubt at all that there should be rewards only for people who prestige, as long as they do not give an advantage, there should be many rewards for players who prestige, that players who haven't yet prestiged cannot acquire without prestiging.

    Virals response to Jeffrey's wrench: Viral I disagree with this since it is going with the idea of prestiged things non prestiged players can acquire.

    Jeffrey's idea: sounds good, badges are much less space taking then prefixes (the badge you put up there makes it look like he has bronze donator not a prestige though, since it is a copper medal, I'd suggest not doing silver platinum or gold medals either, different colors would work better in my opinion, or just a different symbol). However, I do not like your idea of how to reward players after a prestige, 1 things, and then a better thing, and then a better thing. If it's JUST that, then I disagree with it, but if you get that, AND something like my idea of the permanent gold items every time you prestige, one of your choice, then I think that would be a much better method of rewarding prestiged players.

    I like the idea of weapon re-skins, those are definitely in order.

    To put the points of my idea together, EVERY time you prestige, you get a permanent, non-sell-able, gold accessory from the shop, cannot be costing of over 150 tokens. Only for CERTAIN prestiges, you receive specific rewards that ONLY that prestige can have, like Jeffrey and others suggested, however I do not believe that the items should be accessory's since the player is already receiving one of their choice, unless it is say the wings or pig, since those would normally be only attainable by donating. Player models sound nice, I also believe this is where weapon re-skins would come in super handy, piecing this all together.

    That is all for this reply, thank you for helping bring up ideas that we were able to improve upon, and please leave feedback/comments about what I've said! Thanks.

    P.S. (this took me an hour to make, so read the fucking thing, kthnx :p)
  18. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    The one thing I have to say is weapon re-skins are extremely hard to issue for just one player and most likely not happening yet, although Donkie has stated that he will be releasing them eventually.
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