Forum / Shoutbox / Discord Rules

Discussion in 'Global Topics' started by Bayrock, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    While our forum is meant to be a good place for members of this community to interact we also want it to stay civil. Please take a moment to read the rules and terms of service that you will be expected to follow here.


    Forum Rules


    (1) All forms of spam outside of Off Topic are not allowed.

    (2) The only language you should be using in posts is English. (Other languages allowed only in private messages.)

    (3) Try to use proper grammar/spelling and do not overuse font sizes, colors, etc.

    (4) Respect other members and staff. (No impersonation/flaming/trolling/drama/discrimination/etc.)

    (5) Do not post unsuitable content, which includes but is not limited to:

    • Personal information
    • Real photos of other people (w/o their consent)
    • Viruses and pornography
    • Links to piracy
    (6) Always post in the correct section.

    (7) Do not bump old topics with expired content.

    (8) Avoid consecutive posting.

    • Unless it doesn't fit in, please edit your original post instead.
    • If you have nothing constructive to add, don't add anything.
    (9) Always stay on topic.

    (10) Do not backseat moderate–use the report button or let the staff handle it.

    (11) Do not post spoilers for Movies, TV, Video games, or any other entertainment.

    • The only acceptable spoilers can be posted in the Off-Topic section via spoiler tag (i.e., [SPOILER*][/SPOILER*], without asterisks (*).
    (12) Do not post advertisements or referral links.

    (13) Use common sense. (Anything that isn't listed above falls under this rule; think before you do something that might get you banned.)


    Terms of Service

    By signing up and utilizing these forums, you agree to abide by the rules stated above at all times. You acknowledge that custom content of any kind uploaded or posted to these forums becomes the sole property of Devinity, and in the event of legal disputes, the owner of Devinity, @Bayrock.

    You also acknowledge the fact that this list of rules may change at any time and it is solely your responsibility to check back frequently for new content. Violations of any of these rules can result in a punishment ranging from a warning to a permanent ban from our forums and all of our servers. Punishments are to be determined by a staff member based on the rule(s) broken and the magnitude of the particular situation.

    Administrators reserve the right to delete or alter any post at any time if they judge it to be unfitting or a source of discontent. Administrators also reserve the right to ban any member at any time if they judge him/her to be disruptive to the community.

    We hope you have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2018
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  2. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Shoutbox Rules


    (1) Please post messages in English only. Communicating in other languages is fine for private messaging (PMing).

    (2) Avoid spamming or repetitious messaging. This includes (but is not limited to):

    • emoticons (e.g., :bomb: :cake: :user_suit:)
    • bold / italicized / underlined / strikethrough font
    (3) Respect all members and staff. Please refrain from:
    • impersonating users
    • flaming & harassment
    • malicious trolling
    • inciting drama / public arguments
    • discrimination & racism
    (4) Do not post unsuitable content such as (but not limited to):
    • personal / private / confidential information
    • real photos of other people
    • links to viruses, pornography, or piracy / anything illegal
    (5) Do not exploit rule loopholes. Administration has discretion over determining whether or not a loophole is being manipulated.

    (7) Use common sense. (Anything that isn't listed above falls under this rule; think before you do something that might get you banned.)


    Terms of Service


    By signing up and utilizing the shoutbox, you agree to abide by the rules stated above at all times. You acknowledge that custom content of any kind uploaded or posted to these forums becomes the sole property of Devinity, and in the event of legal disputes, the owner of Devinity, @Bayrock.

    You also acknowledge the fact that this list of rules may change at any time and it is solely your responsibility to check back frequently for new content. Violations of any of these rules can result in a punishment ranging from a warning to a permanent ban from our forums and all of our servers. Punishments are to be determined by a staff member based on the rule(s) broken and the magnitude of the particular situation.

    Administrators reserve the right to delete or alter any post at any time if they judge it to be unfitting or a source of discontent. Administrators also reserve the right to ban any member at any time if they judge him/her to be disruptive to the community.

    We hope you have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2018
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  3. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Discord Rules

    (1) Spamming is prohibited if the content does not bring any sort of productive discussions.

    (2) Do not post unsuitable content. This includes but is not limited to:
    • advertisements, referrals or invite links
    • personal / private / confidiential information
    • real photos of other members without permission
    • links/distributions to viruses, pornography (outside of NSFW-marked channels; includes drawing that mimics childlike features, beastiality, gore), pirated content or anything that is illegal in the US or UK
    (3) Do not encourage the infraction of rules or loopholes thereof––loopholes are determined by Staff & Administration.

    (4) Use common sense. (Anything that isn't listed above falls under this rule; think before you do something that might get you banned.)


    Terms of Service


    By joining and utilizing our discord server, you agree to abide by the rules stated above at all times.

    You acknowledge the fact that this list of rules may change at any time and it is solely your responsibility to check back frequently for new content. Violations of any of these rules can result in a punishment ranging from a warning to a permanent ban from our forums and all of our servers. Punishments are to be determined by a staff member based on the rule(s) broken and the magnitude of the particular situation.

    Administrators reserve the right to delete any post at any time if they judge it to be unfitting or a source of discontent. Administrators also reserve the right to ban any member at any time if they judge him/her to be disruptive to the community.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2019
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