Title is simple, but my ideas and explanation will not be. I believe that $5000 a player gets when they run out of money is an amazing feature that seems really useful and helps newer/bad flood player be able to play the flood gamemode and have loads of fun while they do it. The only issue with this is, I feel like it can be abused really easily to generate a lot of money really quickly by /give money to a friend or anyone. I believe due to free props that either this should be completely removed from the game or have a long ass cooldown of like 1 hour so it wouldn't be worth abusing to generate money fast. Would love to hear ideas/opinions.
Welfare already has a cooldown implemented; 1 welfare check per day but it could get removed as free props are sort of an alternative.
I don't really like the idea of having it be taken out of the game, but i think giving it a limited uses a day is a good idea. I remember seeing that feature on my first week of playing the server and thinking "Wouldn't this be incredibly easy to abuse?" and while I haven't personally seen it abused yet, I wouldn't be surprised if it has been. Like you said, I agree that it's a really smart idea and encourages players to keep playing, so I wouldn't like to see it go. I'd say about once every 2 hours would be good.
Usually what i dealt with a while back, there was a guy in which he asked his new friends to join the server and give them his starting money, if he got like 10 on there he'd literally have 250,000 I don't see the 5,000 making a difference on being removed or not, as the starting balance is 25,000 and could still be easily abused either way. But like counter said there's a 1day cool down, so i mean if he wants to log on once every day of the year, props to him i'd let him keep it.
Why don't we I can't see anyone abusing this, and it's good for us because we are giving players incentive to play.
You mean like Day 1: $500 Day 2: $1000 Day 3: $2000 Day 4: $3500 Day 5: $5000 Day 6: $10000 Day 7: Up to debate; 10 tokens, small cosmetic item, or discount on store item depending on week I think that would be pretty cool and give an incentive like you said. And given every shit game on the app store has one it can't be that hard to code
I like the idea a lot that Jeffrey posted, instead of this having a cooldown of 1 day, we could just have it like give you $500 more than the previous day.
+500 is good too but I felt we could do around x2 given that not many players play every day of the week and ones that do we should be extremely grateful for. It also might keep staff a bit more active. We have to make sure players aren't just signing on for the bonus though, maybe 30mins+ and you'll receive the reward?