Steam name: (If applicable) Grapher & DuckFan10 Steam ID: (Required) STEAM_0:1:56763210 & STEAM_0:1:53851924 Brief description of rules broken: (Required) After I have slain Duckfan for prop farming, him and his friend decided I was abusing and decided to repeatedly calling me names and a bad mod. After I have kicked them multiple times, they joined back and did the same thing. I believe this issues for a ban. Evidence: (Required) I would fully watch the video. It's going through the chat long from console. It's about 6 minutes sorry for wasting your time but yea. I tried to show most of what went on.
Just got a video of them trying to crash the server with there friend. Ill be uploading It in a little bit. Edit - My Fraps will not want to load and the names on the demo aren't showing up. Let me see if I can fix this problem. You can tell it was them because it stopped after I kicked them though.