How to win the round

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Mercedes, Nov 22, 2015.

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  1. Mercedes

    Mercedes Active Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Hello everyone!

    In my 60+ hours playtime i learned the best way to survive on the server and i want to share it with you.
    Follow my tutorial if you want to survive and become rich.

    1. Don't join teams
    Join teams only if you don't have weapons or money. People tend to shoot powerfull teams first because they're scared of them. But if you want to join a team anyway, look for a good one. Don't join level 10 teams.

    2. Build a good boat
    Build a good boat on which you can stay untill the last prop. Don't build a boat which will fall appart when 2 props get broken. An example of a good boat: 2 boats, 2 vending machine doors and 6 normal doors. All on top of eachother. You can also make a second cheap boat just in case.

    3. Find a good spot

    Don't build a boat in the middle of the map. If you do so, people will shoot you from all sides. Find a dark corner where you're alone. Spawn corner is much better than room 5 or 6 because you're more far away from players.

    4. Shoot only people who shoot you
    Only shoot people who are shooting you at the beginning, finish the rest later. Let powerfull players/teams fight eachother first. After it's done, you can finish them easy.

    5. Buy good weapons
    Don't buy crap weapons at the beginning. First of all you should get a SUV. It's the best weapon if you're far away from other players. For the second weapon you should buy an AWP, later Bazooka and after that an machine gun with 100 ammo per round. Spend money on weapons first, don't buy skins if you don't have money to waste.

    6. Don't shoot noobs
    Let noobs live a little, they're still new and need love too.

    Good luck and have fun!
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  2. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    it's cool that you're offering advice but this isn't really that good tbh

    most of this is common sense and are very vague, and some are extremely questionable. there's nothing wrong with joining a team- work together to catch the bigger prey, its basic game theory man. your buy path is also not recommended considering you have two snipers as your first weapons, for little reason. youll be saving up money and be restricted o using only snipers starting out. no mention of fire extinguisher or grenades either, just para and bazooka..
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Salty Salty x 1
  3. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    If at any point you're not shooting anybody, you're both indirectly trucing and delaying the round. I suggest you don't.
  4. Mercedes

    Mercedes Active Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    So i'm not allowed to decide by myself who to kill first?

    Your argument doesn't make sense at all. It's not like i can shoot everyone's boats at once.
  5. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    "If at any point you're not shooting anybody"

    I really don't get what you didn't understand from that. Where did I say "If you're not shooting everybody"?.

    From your post you said that you should only shoot people who are shooting you. That's fine. But if nobody is attacking you that is not an excuse for you to not shoot anybody at all (That's delaying the round)
  6. Mercedes

    Mercedes Active Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Yes, shoot people only who shoot you, but only at the beginning. I meant, don't start to shoot everybody at the beginning because it will end bad.
  7. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Once again however, if (Even at the beginning) you're sitting there doing nothing for a while, you're delaying the round (Making it go slower than it would otherwise).
  8. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Waiting a few seconds after the round starts to assess the situation is not trucing in my book. Its a strategy. Sure you "could" call it "delaying the round" but honestly that would be absurd.

    It's a strategy because if you start shooting someone, they're likely to return fire. Being shot from two directions is obviously not ideal, especially if you can mitigate that damage by shooting the people who are shooting you. In this case you're neither trucing nor delaying the round. You're just picking your fights wisely. Now if you were doing this every round. That would be trucing even if both parties never agreed to never shoot each other. Though its easy to see how newcomers and veterans alike can get caught up in this because it is both a simple strategy and a broken rule by a technicality. (IE: Do it once and its fine. Do it twice and you're now technically breaking the rules.)

    Heres another situation where picking your fights wisely comes into play. You're all alone, trying to save some cash so you can buy the next weapon. The round starts and you realize you just built next to a very large team. The obvious solution is to try and save yourself by not directing that big teams attention. If you don't shoot them immediately, they might not shoot you and you might live for a minute instead of 10 seconds. Is this trucing? Technically yes but, its an indirect product of a simple strategy. To put it in another perspective. You wouldn't pick a fight with an enemy tank if all yoi had was an SMG would you? I wouldn't because that would be idiotic.

    The whole "No trucing" rule is extremely complex and is also extremely bias to anyone who interprets it incorrectly.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    So if you're trying to stay on your boat by looking straight down and not shooting anyone, is it delaying? Let's say it takes 30 seconds.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Silent Killer

    Silent Killer Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It a pretty good advice, but there are some flaw in you plan.

    1. Don't Join Team - This is wrong. In a game where you have to survive, be the last man standing, you need a team and trust me when I say this you can't "Win" alone. No matter how good you build a boat and have a good weapon, you can't WIN. Make a team.
    Other than this other advice is good.

    Since I am here. I would like to give advice on How To Make Money!
    If you are new to flood, this is the advice for you.
    Its a simple concept
    1. Build simple boat - Don't go all expensive or build with so many props. go with the simple design. e.g two vending machine is one of the basic design.
    2. Lots of damage - Shoot every enemies props you can see. It does not matter if you die in a process, wining is not important here, all you have do is lots of damage.

    Bottom line is build simple boat and do lots of damage.
    If you follow this step you will make profit. The more money you have better weapon and other stuff.

    Thank You.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
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  11. Immy

    Immy Dedicated Member Gold VIP Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I think he meant don't just start shoot everyone out there, because when the game starts people start attacking the person who is closest usually.
    let's say I am fighting someone already and I see another two people who are fighting each other also. he's trying to say don't try to take on two or more people on at the same time it will get you killed fast and you will probably make a loss.
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  12. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    7. Do not injure the wrath of the Kleiners.
    They swarm like locusts.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Immy

    Immy Dedicated Member Gold VIP Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yeah I have to agree with silent about the teams it gives you a major advantage you don't want to try and take on a 3+ people team on your own it will end very badly.
    I get what you mean by staying in the corner playing sneaky it does work sometimes when you are alone but you have to be sneaky if you get caught sneakily attacking people they will all turn towards you and you will die fast. where as in a team you can be like what bitch come at me and go head to head with anyone .
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  14. Mercedes

    Mercedes Active Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    This is a nice tutorial of how to die in less than a minute and make a loss or a maximum of 500$.
    You want to make a boat of only 2 vending machines and start to shoot everyone? You will die in 20 seconds and not have any win.

    If you have a strategy and live longer, you will make a lot more money than your guide says.

    I just want to say that i won more round alone than with teams..
  15. Silent Killer

    Silent Killer Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Hey like you said to Immy. I have made tons of money with simple boats or should I say with only 2 vending machine. Yes, you you might die faster but if you do lots of damage in process you will get profit.
  16. Immy

    Immy Dedicated Member Gold VIP Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2015
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    You need to join my games. :p
  17. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    You can win by yourself as I've done it many times. The thing is that sometimes you will be ganged up on by the rest of the players and sometimes not. My strategy always consisted of making multiple boats. Usually you will get hit with rockets and grenades first, so if you only have one boat, then all of your boat will get damaged. If you have multiple boats spread out enough, you can easily let one of the weaker ones take the most hits first then move onto another one. Target the people shooting you first. If you're lucky only one person or team will be shooting you and you won't have to worry about more. Take out the props they are standing on and otherwise focus on floating props. If they have heavy props for armor, destroy the others and they will remain to sink and flip the boat they are on. Save your explosives, using rockets right away might give you more total damage in the end, but it probably won't help you survive. You want to save you rockets for the last boat you are against, especially if it's a team with a big boat. Time the rockets so that if the props are burning, wait until they have stopped burning to shoot another rocket. Otherwise, keep your shots consistent. I like to run through my guns when the clip runs out. You shoot more and end up using some of the guns you don't normally use. This strategy usually works for me I'd say 3 out of 5 times with the other 2 being when I'm being ganged up on by everyone.
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  18. Immy

    Immy Dedicated Member Gold VIP Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yeah I always make 2 or 3 back up boats especially when I play alone.
    I guess you would have to spend more money though.
    in a team I spend around 1000-1300 max.
    and always make a profit of 1000-6000
    Usually in between.
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