1. Hello Guest, if you have been banned from our servers and wish to be unbanned, you must read this thread in order to have your appeal processed by our staff members.
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Denied I got banned and want an 2nd chance beacuse i really love this game and i did something stupid,

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by ✫N1kz☆, Nov 3, 2022.

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  1. ✫N1kz☆

    ✫N1kz☆ Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    Hello, My name is N1kz heres my steam profile .https://steamcommunity.com/id/MalteXd/ i really want to get unbanned please. This game brings back so many childhood memorys. I messed with the lua files and did sv_cheats and stuff. I regret it so much and will never do it again. I respect this game and i know how much it ruins the experience for other players. I only used esp and thats it. Please i really want to get an 2nd chance. Tho im still happy i couldnt use the esp beacuse that just shows how protective u guys are of ur community and want them to get the best experience. I should get unbanned beacuse i am really regret full of what i did.Flood is the only game i play on garrysmod. GIve me an 2nd chance and i promise it will never happend again.
  2. Sotori

    Sotori Flooderator Inc. Platinum VIP

    Jul 28, 2017
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    We have discussed your ban and decided while you may have good intentions, we will not give you another chance so soon. As per our unban guidelines, if you truly do wish to be unbanned for cheating please show some patience and wait 6 months before creating another appeal.

    If you show us you still care after your minimum ban length, we will consider giving you a second chance.
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