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Denied I was banned for hacks

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by BLISS RED, Jul 27, 2018.

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    BLISS RED Member

    Jul 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Battle Royale
    Brief description of what happened before you were banned: I was playing about to play some Battle Royale with my friend, and then I logged on to the server and it says i was permantly banned for cheating. Im not sure what the staff member meant by that, and i just started playing the server yesterday, 7/26/2018 and know i cant play on your server. Me and my friend just got the hang of it and how to play.

    Reason why you should be unbanned: I should be unbanned, because im not sure even how to cheat in garrysmod, and I want to play your server again with my friend. I was also thinking about showing my friends this game which I got to show 1 of my friends and he loves it. But now i cant paly with my friends on this server and I was crying after i saw i was banned because I really liked this server after 1 day of playing it

    Admin who banned you: Anti-Cheat

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188902044

    Infraction Record: This is my only ban

    Evidence: None to give
  2. Bjincy

    Bjincy Editor in Chief of Devinity Bronze VIP

    Mar 12, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Battle Royale
    Denied. If our Anti-cheat system banned you, you have to have been cheating. It has never been wrong before and I highly doubt it will ever be.
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