Idea Increaseing Afk time for !afk

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Petrone, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Petrone

    Petrone Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Increase the Afk kick time for !afk ONLY
    Hey everyone, Petrone here. This is going to be a rather short thread about how I personally think that the !afk command kick timmer should be increased. Have you ever needed to go throw on a pot of water to make yourself some bomb ass roman noodles, and came back to the "Been idiling for longer than 600 seconds promt"? Well I sure have.

    Enough with the joking around, I was curious upon if we could increase the afk timer to 30 minutes instead of 10 minutes. (NOTE ONLY USABLE WITH THE !AFK COMMAND) The whole entire afk for time on the server thing and how it is pervented is a obviously brilliant idea but would an extra 20 minutes hurt? The people if they use the 30 minutes have too;

    1. Know that the !afk command kick timmer is long than the non !afk kick timmer.
    2. Have a legitiment reason to go afk (If someone didn't have a reason they would most likely just go afk without using the command !afk)
    I know this may seem like a really childish idea to increase the idle kick time for the !afk command, but to me it sounds reasonable.

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  2. IceSeasons

    IceSeasons Dedicated Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    I would like your idea if you ask me, but I see quite a number of undesirable effects and implications if we were to increase the AFK timer up to 30 minutes (through !afk). If the AFK timer is increased, you probably will:
    • Have to deal with fewer amount of active players within the server. Each server can take up to 28 slots, and that means that every slot counts for every single player within our servers. If we increase the AFK time, and we have a decent amount of AFKers during peak period, we are going to lose a decent amount of players. Furthermore, kicking them will be of no use (since there's no legitimate reason and that we cannot get them back online since they are AFK).
    • Create a new exploit for players to rack up their playtime too. This also applies to staff as well. Anyone who is smart enough to exploit this AFK system and get enough playtime to either be approved or stay within the administration will take full advantage of this and create a false impression on their playtime record. This will be very difficult to counter, unless we implement a feature which does not count AFK time into the playtime (will take some coding and time).
    • Come across less engaging gameplay. Having a server filled with AFKers isn't fun at all, and literally newcomers will be disappointed to see a small representation of the whole playerbase playing in the server - which points back to the first point. It won't make a good impression of the server, and I doubt anyone would like to play with "ghost" players.
    Honestly, the ideal way to go is that if you have be away for more than 10 minutes, just disconnect and do your thing. There isn't any harm done to disconnect, especially given the quick loading time and such. Players should understand that by hogging onto their spot and not playing in the server, they are depriving another player from joining and playing in the server as well.

    I would suggest that we focus more on game mechanisms and such, since the Flood economy has been draining a good portion of money out and that there is a need for a remedy for such scenarios.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Alucard

    Alucard Pyramid head Platinum VIP

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I agree with you, It's a cool an idea but he's right.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Petrone

    Petrone Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 12, 2015
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