I was on you tube recently and I watched a video on intel's past being "anti consumer" I was surprised to learn how bad intel was and the fact that all of the things in this video is true.
Looks like im gonna look at my faptop w\ Intel Pentium Processor\Videocard in it... differently. Actually, who cares at this point? Past is past.
Well, its not just past is past all these different ways Intel tried to crippled AMD hurts the computer industry if AMD was allowed to compete fairly in the past we would probably be much farther in computing power or at least hit the wall in what power silicon based computing has to offer and have to pay less for what we get now.
Well, bashing on other companies to try and improve yours is just, well, business. I don't use intel, so I guess it doesn't concern me.
Well breaking and violating many different anti monopoly laws in many different countries, trying to suppress a company by bribing many different oems, and rigging benchmarks isn't just bashing and regular business in my opinion.
Idk why this even targets Intel when a big part of this was Microsoft trying to monopolize it lol. But this seriously doesn't matter at all and nobody cares about this topic since it's over 10 years old. If this topic mattered nobody would be using intel/windows.
I wouldn't say it doesn't matter at all because they have done this for decades the point of video is to show the entire history of Intel's anti competition ways to people who don't know about it and the fact they did it the beginning of the company but, you are right where a lot people don't care. One thing I have to ask though what does Microsoft have to do with this, there may be parallels in each company generally monopolizing each industry but this video is talking about since the beginning of Intel of them trying to monopolize the CPU market for decades for example, it goes all the way back to the 8088 to when Intel were throwing money at tablet manufactures to use bay-trail cpus until the money dried up and they just started using arm cpus again.
I would say it doesn't matter at all lol. This video and topic is a joke. You don't like that intel did this stuff in the past? Don't buy an intel processor. But while they're currently the best processors have to offer ima enjoy my i7 for a long time. Leave the past in the past, but if you hate the past so much, you may not want to live in any country because most have a very fucked up history.
Well none of my statements say that I hate Intel as a company lol? The point was trying to make is that you shouldn't ignore the past and just put it off to the side, that's how history repeats itself. You should be aware as a consumer of what these companies are doing and should consider these events when making a purchase and make sure you voice your opinion about these issue. This thread wasn't to bash Intel as a company if you watch this video it was to inform you as a consumer about the history of what they did. Overall, you shouldn't just forget 3 decades of what a company did, but you shouldn't just not buy nothing from them either. You should consider all considerations when you buy a product.