In light of Mango's post, I'm going to give away a collection of the first two games of the Ys series. Same deal; pick a number between 1 and 10. You've got three days to post your number. (8:30 GMT-4)
Implying that the distribution of numbers chosen at random follows a Bell Chart distribution? If @Donnerstreik was choosing the numbers at 'random' from is own head, (And I hope that he doesn't) 7 would be the best answer to choose. This is because of human influence. Our brains generally choose the number with the least mathematical properties. It cannot be any Multiples of two, these appear to the brain to not be as 'Random' as odd numbers, because we use them more. I can't be 1 or 10, because they are at each end of the spectrum, they don't seem very 'Random'. It cannot be 9 because it has a fair amount of mathematical properties, it's a square, it is the largest single didgit number, ect ect. It cannot be 5, because that is halfway, it's exactly in the middle, it doesn't exactly seem very random. And we are left with two numbers, 3 and 7. They both seem somewhat 'Random', however 3 is a little low, so overall 7 is chosen the most. Eg. Mango chose 7. However if you use a site like, it's pretty damn random. Feel free to read this 55 page report that got Louise Foley a degree in computer science. I'm used to using pure BBcode without any of the built in functions when you're writing it, and I fucked it up whilst I tried to do something. I choose 4.
And that is what happens when you use theoretical odds over empirical odds or the concept of human influence. @Rick