I have this really really really really really really annoying keyboard with the backspace key SMALLER than any key on my stupid keyboard, so I either miss it or end up typing other letters. So I have been thinking about getting a new keyboard. I want a mechanical keyboard, any suggestions on who I should turn too? Price should not be a problem unless its OVER 150$. If it is, gosh I am so happy for you that you can pay for something like that
I just have a standard ASUS one, and its been working fine (Love the fact that lights show up when you have scroll, caps or num luck on). Only warning is that the white stuff that marks which key is which starts peeling off (Ive had my PC for 6 months and the D key has a small spec of white on it)
You remember the keyboard you used when you visited (@Alex )? It's the Tt eSPORTS Poseidon Brown Switch: Spoiler I also wanted a mechanical keyboard, and I'll never look back once I bought this one. The MX brown switches give nice tactile feedback, but without the loud 'click' of the MX blue. It's up to you in the end, but I'd recommend this one to anyone looking.
I really like the Razer Blackwidow, and I'm yet to have any problems with it. It is a bit expensive, but in your price range (<$150). It costs around $80 without lighting, $110 with green LEDs, and $140 with RGB LEDs. Here is the official Razer page, but it's a bit cheaper on Best Buy.
http://www.razerzone.com/store/razer-deathstalker Silent keyboards are nice. Barely any sound when clicking unless you smash your keys. It also doesn't take much force to type, which can lead to faster typing. It took me a day or so to get used to it.
http://dellparts.us/index.php?main_page=popup_image&pID=16&zenid=52875335e7b48161d0920953c4b20fa2 That's my keyboard, I don't care what I use when I game. If the buttons work, it's solid for me.
I really like Cooler Master. They have plenty of options for anyone on a budget. I have the CM Storm Devastator pack which was one of their cheapest at the time. The mouse can be a little frustrating with it double clicking when I single click, but that's what you get when you buy real cheap. However their higher end keyboards and mice are super nice. Back light keyboards are the best especially if you get a mechanical one.
The flat buttons would be so annoying for my fingers though. I took a typing class which causes me to have a pretty good typing speed, but the keyboard I have is so annoying considering my fricken little backwards key is tiny as hell. That one would work for me, but I asked for a mechanical keyboard-- the keys sound cool to me lol, no matter the price. The backwards key there would help my retarded problem.
For me atleast, I don't really like the razer blackwidow as it doesn't have a very good wrist rest and the macro keys are where the tab, caps lock, shift etc keys are on most keyboards so sometimes it's a little annoying that everything is to the right a bit. Any of the corsair mechanical keyboards would be a good buy, their products are top quality. Best one is Corsair K70 Vengence.
I tried taking a computer programming class at my school, of course it was stupid VB. I feel like that's all they do at high school level is VB. Also back on topic, I want a new keyboard because mine is garbage, any suggestions for keyboards less than like $75?
dont know if you would want it-- but it is 80$ mechanical keyboard is the blackwidow. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/razer-b...lack/2046256.p?id=1219524352912&skuId=2046256
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823816020 That is what I use i'll be honest it is quite loud though well when you smash the keys like me xD