Elo there! Im Ass Licking Lizard, even with the silly immature name and occasionally stupid things I say, I can be a friendly person and quite nice to be around with! I've been on steam since 2015 and only had 96 hours on gmod, if you want anymore information about me or wanna contact me, my discord is Ass Licking Lizard#8375 and i'll be glad to accept!
Wuzz crackin' lizard I would like to start off by saying thank you for contributing and of course putting your interest into helping our team which means the world to us. We hope you'll stick around and find it comfortable here in Devinity as exciting features are to come later in the road
Welcome Ass Licking Lizard "Hard to say that without name without laughing no harsh words." But anyway welcome to Devinity my home enjoy your stay you most likely will meet a lot of nice people here. And yeah see you around.
Nice to meet you lizard and fun to get to know people from the forums ass i do not see you in the servers so i never got to really meet you