
Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by jeffreythe00, Sep 18, 2014.


Would you be interested in participating in my Flood Mini's?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
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  1. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I was wondering how many if you would be interested in playing what I would like to call "Flood Mini's"? I'll add a poll to this thread. Please vote as it doesn't take much effort.

    How it works
    • Once a week (Probably Friday) a Superadmin+ will get on the server.
    • The admin will give a brief description of the event (Example: The person who builds the tallest boat wins!)
    • Any participants who follow the given guidelines have a chance to earn a pre-specified reward. (Example: Tokens, Flood cash, VIP ranks, Games)
    Some examples of a Flood Mini

    Tall boat mini

    • Players build boats with the objective of having the tallest boat after the water finishes rising.
    • Boats must not flip over or the participant is disqualified.
    • The person who has the tallest boat after the water rises, wins!

    Beauty boat mini

    • Players build boats with the objective of having their boats judged by the event host.
    • Boats must not flip over or the participant is disqualified.
    • The host will pick a boat after the water rises to determine the winner. (Boats that flip over due to them being damaged by another player are exempt from disqualification)

    Last man standing mini

    • Participants are only allowed to build boats with specific props. (Example: Barrels and computer monitors)
    • Any participant using anything other than the specified props are disqualified.
    • Participants will play the round out like normal.
    • Which ever participant is the last to be alive is the winner!
    • If all participants die to players who did not participate. Then the last person who was alive would win.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    This would work way better if the event was in a locked server and participants were given the password. Someone else who isn't participating could be in the other server giving out the password via !pm to people who want to play. We could also book an event on the steam page to bring in people as well. Why? well someone new will join and wonder whats going on, then someone would have to explain it to them.. Having to do that so many times would get frustrating very quickly.
  3. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I agree, it would work much better on a separate server but I wouldn't want to draw people away from our live servers. Potentially in the future, when the forums are more active. We can perhaps open a 3rd server for this, but until then it will have to be done live.

    It's possible to book an event from our steam group and I do really like this idea, I will write this down. It would also help if there were narrow timelines when an event is supposed to happen. Example: Between 9:00PM - 10:00PM and possibly earlier hours for the people in a different timezone. So that would be two events on Friday.

    I repeat myself on a daily basis when I'm on the server so having to repeat it is something I wouldn't mind doing. Besides it would be for a single round anyway. I would not want to host an event like this for a large amount of time or else I'd have to offer crappy prizes and then nobody would want to play. Don't forget that if this is done on a weekly basis, most of our veteran players will already know about it and probably help Staff by telling the people who just joined.

    I'd like to add another note. I did mention larger prizes such as games and VIP ranks. These prizes will be very very rare prizes and probably only happen around large holidays (once or twice a year). I don't have an infinite amount of money and it's really not fair to those who paid for their ranks nor would anyone want to pay for a rank when they could win it for free.
  4. Taki'Asha

    Taki'Asha Community Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Maybe you guys should make a differnt server for these minis, like once a day or week.
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