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More Suggestions [In Fine Print]

Discussion in 'Feedback & Support' started by Wolfgang, Feb 7, 2016.


Do you agree with any of these?

  1. Medieval Round Suggestion

  2. Predator Missile Feedback

  3. Dodgeball Feedback

  4. Necroposting Fix

  5. None of the above

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  1. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    It's that type of month again where Applcore comes and lists a few key points of feedback/suggestions.

    1] Medieval Round-A round in which the setting is the medieval age. Only Natural Props can be used (All wooden props and snowman props may be used), artificial props are restricted. When fight phase is initiated all players will be given the crossbow, a sword, and bug bait. I know of multiple sweps that can be used. Cannons may be used to damage players boats as well as the crossbow. Sword and bug bait will do damage to players. Items such as harpoon and extinguisher will STILL be restricted.

    • Achievement #1 - Knight in Shining Armor! - Win 10 Medieval Rounds
    • Achievement #2 - All Hail the King! - Win 100 Medieval Rounds

    2] Predator Missile-After testing the missile multiple times on Rollie, I could only come up with one flaw... it doesn't have any. Which means yes it's a bit OP, even bug bait has its negative side. So I'd like to suggest that the missile does friendly fire as well, If you are in the range of your own missile it will blow up your boat too. This would prevent players from activating the missile in seconds and destroying the boat next to them. One more thing, it was havoc when every single one of us had the missile and a bit laggy as well. Like I've previously stated it only one missile should be able to be launched per round as well as a chat notification in cyan letters stating "Y/N HAS BOUGHT A PREDATOR MISSILE THIS ROUND!" or something to to that extent.
    • Achievement #1 - Backfired! - You destroyed one of your props with your own helicopter bomb

    3] Dodge Ball-I like Roger's suggestion with the "Hot Potato", but my real problem with it is that you can't steal players dodgeballs nor can the ball itself damage props. I know this was brought up already but I want to extend on it. @Dawson 's panic room is a perfect example of an exploit that the helicopter bomb would be useless against. It has some obvious problems that I will not bring up because Bayrock's already aware of these. Additionally you should be able to deflect the dodgeball in different directions to try and kill someone else.

    • Achievement #1 - If You Can Dodge a Bomb You can Dodge a ball - Deflect 100 bombs
    • Achievement #2 - Redirected! - Knock 10 bombs into other players

    4] Necroposting-Within a certain amount of time (One month perhaps?) a necropost would need moderator approval and not count towards message count. Would help with people trying to rush and get enough messages for staff apps and similar stuff.
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  2. Roflcopter Rogers

    Roflcopter Rogers Least From The East Platinum VIP

    Mar 30, 2015
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    its a hot potataoe
  3. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    -Necroposting - We might have a timer for threads older than 1 month to be locked automatically. This will leave it up to people who don't want their ideas locked to keep it bumped. Or you could ask a forum mod to unlock it for you if you have a good reason.

    -Dodgeball - Leave it as "dodgeball", However I do agree with the other changes as that how it should be anyway. The rocket will damage props as well as the player. This way players can still make money off of destroying props. FYI, when you reflect the rocket, the rocket will become yours. So any props it destroys or players it kills will count towards yours. But once someone else reflects the rocket, it becomes theirs.

    -Predator Missile - I think that the explosion radius should be increased myself. It was a little less spectacular than I imagined. Increase radius by 25%?

    -Medieval Round - Spectacular idea. Make a thread in Flood section with as many details and links to weps as you can.
  4. Roflcopter Rogers

    Roflcopter Rogers Least From The East Platinum VIP

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Look dodgeball is nothing like the "Hot Potato" round, so we should change it to Hot Potato
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