On Hold New Combined Events

Discussion in 'Event Ideas' started by Panci┬as, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Panci┬as

    Panci┬as Dedicated Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I thought many times of this idea of making combined events, not "combine" like Half life btw.
    How would this be?
    This would be like combining 2 events. E.g: Haste-Mortar, Mortar-pirate, Pirate-Haste, Tower-Haste, Rope-Pirate, etc. Of course this events would be picked randomly by the game and would appear as any other event. The rules would be always the same as in the MOTD (just to clear that out). This events can show up in the case of "vote random event".
    Some events of course would be impossible to combine like, random weapons-pirate and others.
    Of course we can't use any plugin that randomly combine, because if not it would be like mortar-mortar, haste-haste etc. Each events would be combined by "hand" then added to the event list.
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  2. Noriaki Cocaine

    Noriaki Cocaine Devine Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Combining haste with various events would be pretty bad, imo. Especially in pirate. You need a long time to set up cannons/motors. It wouldn't benefit to the enjoyment of the game sometimes. There are also some mechanical issues/anomalies. In pirate, water damage is reduced, but in haste, water damage is increased. The only weapon boosted would be the crowbar, but would it have double damage against players? A haste round in the tower gamemode would just be a way for a bunch of new players to skip a round. They would have no idea what they're doing and wouldn't be able to build up high enough to get over the water.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Panci┬as

    Panci┬as Dedicated Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    In combined haste events, like pirate, only thing that would change is the time to build, in others maybe it could raise damage, and most events are a pain in the ass, or very hard, or complicated at first, that's why we're making it more hardcore, some maybe really hard like the tower, but lets say that instead of having 1min u have 2min and other moddifications, it doesn't need to be 100% mode, and 100% the other, it could be 50-50%...
  4. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I actually still like this idea. Things like Zombie Pirates & Haste Scramble seem pretty nice if we made some tweaks.