We should add a rule for VIP's, not to spam lamps to lag or blind someone. 21. Do not use lamps to annoy, or cause fps drops.
This rule should be expanded to regard all VIP tools and that they shouldn't be abused in any way shape or form.
This is why... Asked @Supernova not to make that boat, but since there is not a rule against it, I really can't do anything about it. This boat is causing FPS drops for others, and they are complaining, but he still will not remove the big lamp of FPS drops.
He is still annoying players with hip VIP powers. Even if they are playing on a "trash" pc, you still should not do that, and someone asked him not to, but Supernova ignored him completely.
In a similar manner to how the Trail Tool was handled, I'll propose adjustments to the Light and Lamp tools' value ranges in the near future. Reducing them will curb abuse.
AFAIK the values on lamps and lights doesn't affect the FPS drop, it's a matter of having a lamp or not that affects FPS. I personally think lamps and lights are retarded and not useful in our gamemode and while I'd rather remove them we are offering them to VIP's so I guess we gotta keep them.
If lighting/lamps really bother you, just go to context menu, draw, and untick draw shadows. This will disable both shadows and lighting. Spoiler