Offical Wes Anderson thread 2.0

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Rick, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    This is NOT for the discussion of Wes Anderson films. It is for photos of him. Please DO NOT discuss his films I have an interest purely in his face and to an extent body. Please post photos of wes that you like and are appreciative of, thankyou I look forward to some discussion on this topic, thankyou

    If you have any special photos of Wes doing tasks, eg. Walking, talking, pouring water, eating, drinking, running, getting dressed, playing tennis, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, moving large objects, getting dressed, opening blinds/curtains, sitting and watching TV, reading, swimming, boating, getting ready to boat, getting dressed, signing documents, driving a car, tying shoelaces, straightening tie etc. I would be particularly interested in seeing them, however all photos of Wes are welcome.


    Here wes carefully manipulates one of his model characters for one of his films, i personally really appreciate his lucious locks and stern face, I also particularly respect his attire, especially given how (i am sure unintientionally his clothes fit the aesthetic of the scene).


    Here is a true classic: wes pours a glass of sparking water, not only does this image show the true unequivocal beauty of wes but it also shows his skill in the manipulation of water, interestingly this is especially evident in the wes anderson film featuring bill bailey, life aquatica, watch as he disregards the entire scene around him and entirely hones in on the act of the pour. Beautiful.


    Here is not a classic, but one of my personal favorites. Here wes describes a rectangle, could it perhaps be that he is using the rectangle to conduct mathematics? Could it perhaps be that he is using the rectangle to imagine the scene for one of his films? perhaps he is just using this shape in the most pure, appreciative sense, that he likes the shape and it's form, (as I'm sure anybody who is true fan would know from his films), we will never know and unfortunately it is purely up to him to know

    thanks for reading my thread guys i hope you really appreciate it. Good luck and I hope you post your own photos
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
    • D'aww D'aww x 2
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  2. flipperskor

    flipperskor New Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I think this is a classic image of Wes Anderson as well. I can't help but think about what is going through his mind as he gurgles the water in his mouth. Perhaps it is a neo-classical take on the philosophy of life?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    thanks flipperskor, I actually havent seen this specimen before and it will fit nicely into my collection, very deep. Interesting how his overcoat slowly blends in with the background's gradient, perhaps this is a reflection of our external selves becoming more and more like the background of everyday life, just like sheep. But wes' core still stands out, the inner spark in all of us

    thankyou for this post flipperskor I really enjoyed it
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. manchyy

    manchyy full time idiot

    Aug 21, 2017
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    Battle Royale
  5. Noriaki Cocaine

    Noriaki Cocaine Devine Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    eblan manchuria
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Interestingly, this classic photo was historically insulted in the previous wes anderson thread by one of the previous admin staff (wolfgang), he was later banned for this post.

    He had the nerve to suggest that bill bailey was "slow" and that wes was teaching him how to read, however it is obvious to anybody who has any ounce of common sense knows that bill is actually an actor and was starring in one of the wes productions where he goes into a submarine (I forget the name a lot, am not really a big fan of his films i only watch them to get photographs of wes in the behind the scenes but i have it on good authority that bill is a rather good actor). the community did not take kindly to this and we had a meeting to remove this man from the community, thankfully, a decision that still stands

    below i have enclosed the previous thread in the anticipation that some of you will look for it in order to access more wes photos, good luck and thankyou very much for posting manchyy feel free to post more. personally i would like a description of your interprotation of the man himself (or even bill to some extent but keep it short as this thread is to be on the discussion of wes, you could make a bill thread if you like him that much!). MY interprotation of this photo is that wes is clearly a very thoughtful (and beautiful) man who is willing to go that extra mile in any of his work, be it film, or else
    • Agree Agree x 2