So I was watching some twitch streams one day, and wondering this seems simple, why don't I try, and I was dead wrong, it's the hardest thing to keep entertained with yourself being watch by 5 or so people. So I had this idea, what if I made a stream channel with multiple very different personalities, the cynical, retard, smart, ect. Anyway my main idea here in the beginning was to create a small group of 4 or so people that basically shared a stream, and all played one game, or had days for solo, duo, or thred person days. Basically the Game Grumps of streaming. Basically I've convinced myself to peruse something that I didn't even or ever think would work, tell me I'm a lost cause. I need someone to shut me down here if I have no sense of a good idea here. Honestly. So since I've rambled enough, I've ended up creating the name Space Bear, something so simple and brandlike that gives a little essence of Internet and propperness. I have no idea how I'm starting this, but I'd figured I'd post here because I'm lonely lol. If you want to know anything about what Im attempting or trying to make and what is required, add me on steam. I'm sure I could use your help with ideas, or even work related things. Why am I posting this? I'm retarded. Yes this is a rant on something I thought of this week. Tell me if you could see this working or not.
Go with what your heart tells you to do. Make your own decisions and do what feels right. If streaming is something you're interested in then by all means persue it.
Alright there Jeff, this is a thread about streaming. Not lifelong choices that need you to "Follow your heart".