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Power back to the players, nerf staff please.

Discussion in 'Feedback & Support' started by SilverMario, Apr 4, 2016.

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  1. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Ok, had to come back for this lol.

    No, I never broke the rules on the servers. I always abided by the rules, no users have any issues with me and I always followed the warn>kick>ban policy. I fucking never pulled the "I'm young" card, what are you even saying? I said that once during my apology thread and it was meant as a joke. I admitted I did wrong in that thread...

    Fact of the matter is, I still don't think I broke any rules. You say I do, but every time I ask for proof i get absolutely nothing. Yeah the stuff I did with the counter thread was dumb and uncalled for but I apologized and said it was a mistake. Surely I regret that and it was bad of me to do, I didn't mean for the I'm young card to be taken out seriously. I only said "I'm young I'll learn from this", not "forgive me I'm young calm down"

    Explain your other points. Take what too out of context? The fact that Rick asked for his warning to be removed, and Dawson said to ignore Rick? I'm pretty sure I took that completely correctly. Like seriously, you never joined me while I was seriously moderating, I don't understand how you can say I was a bad staff member.

    Anyway, I apologize but I had to make a rebuttal. Look, this thread is about constructive critism about staff team being too arrogant forwards staff and not to make drama or anything, but you're completely going against the thread by insulting us and putting us down. I mean come on, saying that the "You took a joke too seriously" ( @Alex @Decap) with all due respect is actually driving me nuts man. I clearly said I basically got triggered from an emotional event and you guys playing it as if it was nothing bothered me, like come on now. I know that sounds dumb but you would understand if you knew what I went through. I'm not saying I didn't take it too seriously and I didn't say you guys were trying to be dicks, but I got reminded of stuff I don't want to remember and that bothered me. I' not apologizing for taking something trivial seriously, like I'm sure there's something you all get offended or annoyed by that seems trivial as fuck to others. I didn't even do anything else, I left on my own accord.

    I shitposted only on offtopic, and nowhere else. Some people found it funny; I found it funny, what's the problem? I thought donkie just said this community is about fun. Like, if you guys warned me to stop shitposting I would have stopped right away.

    Honestly I considered you guys close friends and I thought you guys at least liked me in one way or another and thought of me as a friend, I can't say I'm not slightly depressed from seeing you guys basically insult me with lies and stuff like "I won't miss you". It makes me sad to think that people who I thought were close friends with actually disliked me this whole time, not gonna lie.


    Sorry for the rebuttal, but I had to defend myself here. If you read my post I'm not insulting anyone, I'm being as objective as possible. I'll stop with the "devinity mapplesauce" persona I have been keeping up and will be as serious as possible, like I am with other communities. If you could treat me like an anonymous third party that would be good.

    I heavily think a gaming community should be about having fun and I hate staff being way too nazi. So in a way I agree with donkie. Like honestly, there was a time when j was staff a bunch of people were just singing dumb songs in the mic and instead of being a dickhead and muting them I sang along as well since everyone was laughing and having good fun. Everyone in chat was being friendly as well. I do stuff like this all the time, of if it gets too far I will punish. In general, fun is what a gaming community should be, I agree with donkie. However silvers point still stands. Here's what I'm getting at. If you guys are ruining our fun, I think we should have the right to voice our complaints. Me and my friends, when we have an issue with something the other is doing, we cut the shit and say it up front and we stop doing that crap. It's just how social relationships work.

    If I'm really getting annoyed and not having fun in something a staff is doing, it should be OK to voice complaints is what I'm getting at. We're about fun here, so why deter other people's enjoyment? It isn't about just the staff team having fun; it's about everuone having fun, right? So if silver wants the staff to stop deterring other people's enjoyment by saying "hey guys, let's be less arrogant here," what is wrong with that?

    Stop pointing fingers, none of this drama needed to start if the staff team just said "yeah we'll try to stop our arrogant attitudes if the users of the community are getting irritated." Like, I don't understand how anyone can see "this community is about having fun" as a valid rebuttal against "were not having fun and getting really irritated by these things you guys are doing." To me, that sounds dumb.

    Agree to treat staff as you would with users and thats enough really. Being staff on a gmod forum doesnt entitle people to be a better or more important person or something, we should treat each other with the same respect. Yeah i understand "why give a shit about people who dont give a shit about us" but obviously Rick still cares about devinity enuf to apply for jailbreak mod, so we can stop saying he doesn't care about devinity. It doesn't make sense why you guys don't treat him with equal respect when he hasn't really done anything bad really. If it's someone who blatantly doesn't care then that may be a different story. But regardless, I think for one its ok to get annoyed and insult friends, but as long as it's relatively civil or done as friends it's allright. But if you're doing it in a serious attitude unironically regardless if you are staff or not in a serious official thread, I think it shouldn't be allowed.

    I hate to use this as an example but if someone is bidding farewell from the site maturely you can't just curse at them and be mean. This applies to everyone, staff or not. If Alex pmed me what she said I wouldn't have had an issue as she had some stuff she wanted to say, but to post it in a serious thread like that shouldn't be allowed.

    (For the record @Alex, I forgive you for your actions because as a third party it does seem like I got butthurt for no reason. I hope your impressions of me have at least somewhat changed and you can forgive me too for the crap I said against you. We had some fun times together and I don't like leaving stuff at that.)

    The fact that this behavior is tolerated just because she is staff is wrong, and no "You don't give a rats ass about the community so we can insult you" is not a valid rebuttal. Several staff clarified me that insults and immature remarks shouldn't be made in serious threads and should be taken to PM, so staff should abide by this rule.


    Here's the compromise.

    -I'm not going to shitpost anymore (my absence is proof of this statement) and Rick as already said by him will stop shitposting. In general, we stop being the dickheads that you guys hate and will attempt to try to stop drama.

    -You guys in return have to treat staff like you would with users, and staff should take into account that they can and will be punished. That's all. Don't go on a witch hunt and punish any staff who did something bad like Alex (I forgave her already) that seems silly. From now on I mean.

    This way, no ones fun and enjoyment is deterred, and we have a happy ending I guess. As stated from Berserk, friends should not look down on other friends. Staff don't have the right to look down on others and be forgiven for it just because they are staff. Abide by rules, staff or not staff.

    sorry for the wall of text, gowriteablog.mp4

    by the damn way, my name is mapple not maple, get it right u cucks
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
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  2. Donkie

    Donkie Founder & Senior Developer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    We simply can't treat staff the same way as users because then we'd have no staff left. We're already short as it is right now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    At least give warnings then and don't defend them.
  4. Donkie

    Donkie Founder & Senior Developer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I've given warnings to most of the staff members, including Bayrock on several occasions.
  5. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Applcore was just demoted for him messing up too many times. The fact that we've had to demote numerous staff for a variety of reasons the past month goes against your argument.
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  6. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    No, giving one counter example is not significant enough to make everyone I said void. I gave examples of this staff bias and donkie literally even confirmed it.

    Besides, why do you have to make this about arguing? It was advice, a compromise.

    I'm glad to hear but I suggest you to advise your staff team to do the same, and the warnings don't exactly seem significant enough to be preventing people from doing this.
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