Report on CounterCraftz

Discussion in 'Denied' started by classic, Jul 25, 2017.

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  1. classic

    classic Community Member Platinum VIP

    May 28, 2015
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    I'm filing a report on countercraftz for the recent abuse/lies he has made.

    Today it started off when i disliked one of countercraft's unreasonable posts on @HappyFriends application
    I then come on the forums again and he spammed my notifications with the rating "funny" He even did it on the "Link Park thread" when i had put "Rest in peace"

    The Rating spam:

    Rating my post funny on the death of someone:

    This is totally misusing the rating system if not abusing it.

    I was demoted for being very immature, which I admit, i was. CounterCraftz is an administrator, therefore a lot of other staff members look up to him, At one point i did myself, I think it's very unreasonable and unprofessional to go around calling people douchebags on their leaving thread no matter how much you hate them, you're representing Devinity on a public forum space, It should not be tolerated.

    CounterCraftz calling Wolfgang a douchebag on his leaving thread:

    What is ironic about the messages is counter also trash talked bayrock, saying "all he does is play other games and doesn't care anymore" wolfgang has the proof of that and i will get it off of him, so what he said to wolfgang was not only disrespectful but very hypocritical.

    I was going to give all the Evidence to SilverMario but he was being stubborn so i called him pathetic in a private conversation, 10 minutues later countercraftz decides to warn me for being Disrespectful/being a "troll"
    I PMd him back as this Infraction/warning was extremely unfair. I don't think calling someone pathetic once in a PM, NOT PUBLICLY, but in a PM is worth a warn, WHICH he ADMITTED to himself that saying it one time wouldn't be worth a warn.

    Me calling mario pathetic ONCE NOT ANYMORE THAN ONCE:

    After i told him i had said it once, he said i had said it numerous times which i didn't. (PROOF ABOVE)

    The infraction he gave me: (note that it says "overly aggressive and threatening or to troll" ) for calling someone pathetic once.

    The proof is above that i only said it once, I think his warning wasn't just and he let his emotions take control.

    He claims i edited the post but i didn't you guys can check, I only called him pathetic once, and he warned me for it. I think this is very unfair and bias because countercraftz dislikes me, so he'd go out of his way to get me banned.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
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  2. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Try putting this thread into the "Ban requests" section of the forums. This is not said section.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  3. Legacy™

    Legacy™ Dedicated Member

    Jul 9, 2016
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    Was talking to him about Silver's promotion in PM and he leaked the messages to Silver instantly. Immature and untrustworthy as an administrator and tries to cause drama.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    I'm partially not going to waste my time on this thread

    I find some of your posts funny which are quite hysterical, so I rated it. I do admit I did rate on a death thread but later retracted it after quite some time and I apologize for that.

    Because he is a douchebag. What do you not understand? He does not deserve any gratitude from what he has done.

    I do admit I've been talking a quite of smack to Bayrock and I handfully apologized to him before you even brought all of this up. So I don't know why you're bringing this up against me.

    @SilverMario reported your conversation message and I warned you for "Inappropriate Behavior".

    I mean't you saying 'pathetic' to me generally including our DMs. Also, you were constantly harassing me

    Haha, very hypocritical.

    What messages did I leak? I did not leak anything. I was addressing issues you have to others.
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  5. classic

    classic Community Member Platinum VIP

    May 28, 2015
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    Why are you bringing irrelevant discord messages into this between you and i? I brought the bayrock situation up, because you told wolfgang he was constantly trash talking the founders -- which is HYPOCRITICAL little man. Our DMS on discord has nothing to do with infractions on the forums.

    Usually I don't go on threads and accidentally scroll through the emotes and miss-click rofl, but hey i don't know about you. Considering the times of when you rated my posts, they seemed pretty fast and random, like spam. I am yet to see how any of those posts were funny; Saying good bye to viral, Saying good bye to wolfgang, making up an excuse for liking the death thread, why do you lie counter?

    You think publicly calling someone a douche bag on a leaving thread is acceptable, being a high ranking member of this community? Set an example for new players, stop being so delusional thinking it's okay to do that, it just shows us how unprofessional you are to think it's okay lol.

    Also with the warning situation, your words say otherwise, WHAT I DID on discord, has nothing to do with this situation. If you want to bring up past situations, i can bring up how you leaked my personal information on the server, and brought personal disputes to Devinity, which you did, but i decided not to. BECAUSE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. You admitted it wasn't worth a warning in the screenshots above, I called him pathetic once over the forums, but of course you made the infraction about you hence why you put our Discord conversation which is a PERSONAL dispute as a response.

    you based my FORUM infraction off of DISCORD messages ROFL

    Also -- to the harassing you comment, you could've easily blocked me on discord again, i didn't ask you to not block me, that's just a stupid and petty comment, I mean that's what the block button is for right? But once again you're bringing up something that has nothing to do with the current situation, which is nothing new.
    The fact that you think this is a laughing matter just shows how immature you are.

    EDIT: You literally admitted to basing the warning you gave me from our experience over discord. That warning was for me saying to SilverMario he was pathetic, stop making it about you. That discord conversation had nothing to do with this situation. That conversation on Discord was between me and you, I hope this will be the last time i repeat myself when saying THAT DISCORD SHIT, has no PLACE Here on this thread. What happened there is completely different to what happened on the FORUMS if someone says "fuck you" over discord, you don't go ahead and warn them on the forums, UNFORTUNATELY that's not how it works. You contradicted yourself in the post you made several times, saying the pathetic shit was based off of our DMS on discord, then you said the infraction was based off of what i said to SilverMario, please make up your mind and don't change it. That warning was false, you abused the rating system, You act like it's okay to disrespect people who are leaving as it just shows how unprofessional and immature you are. If you hate someone that is leaving the community, say NOTHING, ignore the fact that they even made that thread, FLAMING like that on threads is against the forum rules. ;) All of this is absurd and shouldn't be allowed!

    EDIT: I never harassed you, stop acting like the fucking VICTIM in all of this. That is totally irrelevant to EVERYTHING i have brought up. I made this comment once again repeating and backing up others, because i re-read what you said, and it's completely false. You're bringing up completely IRRELEVANT shit, which has nothing to do with the REASON YOU were REPORTED.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. Legacy™

    Legacy™ Dedicated Member

    Jul 9, 2016
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    I was "triggered" by the activity warning? Why are you spreading bullshit lol just shows how immature you are.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Dr. Pit Lazarus

    Dr. Pit Lazarus Angelic Web Developer Gold VIP

    Aug 12, 2014
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    @Rok II Is that the conversation that caused Dawson to send me this message and unfriend me?

    I wasn't involved in whatever this drama is. Also I haven't talked to bayrock in a long while.
  8. classic

    classic Community Member Platinum VIP

    May 28, 2015
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    Can we please focus on the main reason this thread was created?
  9. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    This is as golden as the "support on alex" thread @Rick made.

    If you haven't noticed by now, we've already decided how we'll handle the situation.
    There isn't anything else to discuss here, thread locked.
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