some applications are lies??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aman4o2, Jul 6, 2015.

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  1. Aman4o2

    Aman4o2 Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    As I check out a couple of applications that other players have made. I noticed that a lot of players that apply keep saying something that's continued with most of the players. According to a couple of staff apps it states that there accounts been hacked so they make new ones. For the first 2 times people said that I thought it was a real deal. Now, im starting to think that people are lying about this type of thing. Personally I know that people hack accounts but how come lots of so called "hacked accounts" join the game. All in all, I think they are lying to the staff members about there playtime.

    This is just a opinion that I would like to point out to staff members about because this is really getting turned into a big deal.

    Thanks- aman4o2 (Alexander)
  2. Noriaki Cocaine

    Noriaki Cocaine Devine Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Well, playtime wouldn't mean a lot if these players weren't active on teamspeak, forums, etc
    Sure, it would show some devotion to Devinity (no pun intended), but it's not only their playtime that is judged. It is also their actions (they can also be judged by the absence of actions themselves)
  3. Aman4o2

    Aman4o2 Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    Yes I understand @пламя

    But this is still a issue because playtime is checked. Its one of the important parts about the application.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Ragingboss0731

    Ragingboss0731 Member

    Jul 7, 2015
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    some people also lie about their personalities and hobbies Expecting to be more liked and be more likely accepted as they think but is not true

  5. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    We're not stupid, I'm pretty sure we pick up on the lies 99% of the time.

    As the the playtime thing, we don't care if you got hacked, we look you up on the leaderboards when we discuss promotions, if "you were hacked and lost playtime" then that sounds like a you problem, not an us problem.
  6. Jacob

    Jacob John Serving Cena Cakes

    Apr 24, 2015
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    Staff do know that people are lying in some aspects of an application. So it's best to stay 100% honest throughout your application, and be active on all platforms; teamspeak, the forums, and the flood or jailbreak servers included.
  7. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Lots of people lie on their application. A lot don't admit it but Staff pick up on it pretty quickly. Probably the most frequent thing people lie about is age. A LOT of people are younger than they claim to be.

    Does this mean if you're caught lieing about your age you won't be picked or have less of a chance? The answer is yes and no. Majority of the people that are considered for staff are usually picked for the amount of effort they have put into the community rather than the effort they put into an app. While I think it's generally good to see applicants put a lot of effort into an app. I don't think its necessary. I do however think if you put the minimum amount of effort into your app (or none at all) then you're probably not putting a whole lot into the community either.

    So while having the best/worst app possible you still have just as much a chance as everyone else to being accepted/denied. Just remember that the general rule of thumb is "What you put into something is generally what you get out".
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