Trucing is a very delicate topic as many seem to have different definitions of it. Some people believe that not shooting someone purposefully is trucing, some people think not shooting someone when they aren't shooting you is trucing, well let me explain to you exactly why this isn't the case. So here is an example of not trucing, you are by yourself and another player is 3 metres away from you on his own boat and is not shooting you, however you have not made any actual agreements to not shoot eachother, and another player that is to your left and is around 10 metres from you is shooting you, you shoot the guy shooting at you, why? Because hes the current threat and is a strategically better target to take down. You take him out and as the last threat is the other player 3 metres away from you, you take him out after. A lot of people take this the wrong way, that you are actually trucing with this person and are actually somewhat teaming with him, however this is not the case. I find it very hard that people would decide to kill the person that isn't an active threat over the person shooting you at that moment in time. As I like to call it, "taking out the bigger fish", is a very good idea, and I don't think I have to explain to you why this is. The difference between 'trucing' and 'taking out the bigger fish' is you are being smart about how you play and you are surviving longer as a result to taking out the bigger fish. Trucing is when you actually ask for a truce and actually carry it out till the end of the round, they may also not kill eachother at the end of the round which is clearly trucing. I see a lot of staff thinking that using your brain and surviving to the fullest is you breaking the rules on purpose. I don't think staff should come to conclusions as fast as they do. Back when I was Mod on this server, I could only truly determine whether someone was trucing at the end of the round, or by them actually telling eachother they were trucing. What i'm trying to say is that not everything is what it looks like and conclusions should not be come to so quickly by staff members, I simply think staff should ask or wait it out to see whether trucing is actually happening, as some players are banned for inconveniences like this.
Trucing is sort of a grey area that no one really likes and I do understand what you're trying to come across here. I do agree that trucing is becoming issue more frequently, the same as building skyboats and I think we should either be more lenient towards or just to get rid of it in general. If we do get rid of the trucing rule then how do we combat unfair gameplay advantages? 2 really overpowered teams teaming up with each other until the end is a very shitty move tbh and can cause players to leave in which we do not want.
Getting rid of trucing isn't the right way I agree, but we have to draw a line between trucing and common sense. When someone is punished for trucing you should have undeniable evidence that it is happening, screenshots should not be good enough unless at the right times, showing 2 teams perhaps not shooting eachother may not be because they are trucing but instead taking out the people shooting them. As for 2 teams purposefully teaming up this is more easily defined as trucing, especially if it happens more than once or twice. Usually things like this will be spoken in chat which can easily be punishable. As of right now I usually play solo as I don't like teams as its unfair to team with better players, but I shoot who shoots me because it is the most logical thing to do. I don't play in engaging in 2 fire fights when I can avoid 1 for now and focus on another.
Trucing is not a grey area. Unfortunately as much as you have tried to define what it is it doesn't work like that. As we say in our rules it's up to staff to make a decision based on circumstance. You talk about the "3 meters away" point and I completely agree, it is mutually assured destruction that you both immediately grenade and smg eachother immediately, it's a tactical move and it's very expected that at the start of the round a few players "ignore" eachother. However it becomes an issue when one of two things happen: You continue this practice throughout the entire round. It is viable for you to ignore eachother immediately as there are other threats, however as the match approaches the 2nd or 3rd minute you should consider eachother the most serious threats. I don't know if anybody has read Richard Dawkin's Selfish gene or heard about the prisoners dilemma but it's not an ESS, you guys teaming at this stage is because you want to win the round, not because you want to make as much money as possible. You do it on separate rounds. What ideally should happen is staff should watch over people that seem to be trucing and see if it happens on separate rounds, if the same people seem to be doing it every round then obviously they're making a conscious effort to do it. tldr: if you seem to be doing it because of the person and not the circumstance OR you continue to do it after it clearly doesn't constitute the best clearly economic decision, it's trucing I'm not admin anymore but I'm pretty sure that's how it works, if you start seeing people banning dudes just because they're not attacking the closest target report them EZPZ