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Accepted Unban request

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by Трэд, Jun 6, 2017.

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  1. Трэд

    Трэд Member

    Jun 6, 2017
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    1. We played with friends on the server and we wanted to play all together in one team, but the limit was not great, and I had to play alone, and at the end, when we won, we do not want to kill each other and After about two minutes, when we They saved money, smashing things. One of the administrators or someone else killed us all together, and ultimately did not win a single one. Then I wrote: "I hacked the system" as a joke, and after that the administrator wrote "Do you crack the server system?" I then jokingly wrote "yes" and after that I was banned for a month. Of course, I thought that the Administrator joked, but after I asked a friend to write to him to dilute, because it was just a joke, and that the administrator who forbade me wrote: "I do not understand the joke", then I asked my friend to explain that this was a very stupid joke and nothing more as a result of this the admin wrote: "I do not understand jokes," and then I realized that he seriously forbade me for a month, and in the end he Wrote that "I left and enough to ask for "
    "I apologize that I introduced the admin into some misconception"
    2. Kolser
    3. STEAM_0: 0: 121727530
    4.My friends can confirm my words - TubeGuy и Infernal
    "This Google translator may be errors, but the meaning I think is understandable"
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  2. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    You basically just admitted to trucing instead from what I can tell...
  3. Трэд

    Трэд Member

    Jun 6, 2017
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    Why ban for a month because of a silly joke?
    Ну это не повод банить из-за глупой шутки?

    I think if I could in truth crack your server ,I'd be the Main administrator and moderator I would be nothing I could do
    Если я бы в правде взломал ваш сервер , тогда я бы не был забанен.
    Я бы был как второй главный Администратор и меня можно было бы забанить ,только через консоль...
    А не забанен простым модератором...

    I do not even know how to hack, any server is even the most primitive
    Это притом ,что я даже не знаю как взломать сервер и даже самый примитивный
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2017
  4. Kolser

    Kolser Cheeki Breeki Silver VIP

    Apr 8, 2016
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    The translated version:
    Здравствуй. По правилам сервера, а так же если моя память не изменяет, любая попытка/угроза/заговорка о взломе сервера ака хаке, сразу же дает тебе бан перманентно (навсегда), так я сделал я. На месяц я тебя забанил так как случайно забанил другого игрока с похожим ником перменентно но ты остался на сервере. Я решил что опция перманентно забанить игрока временно не работает и забанил тебя на месяц а потом продлил бан. Так же не нужно выдумывать, вещи типо "Я не понимаю шуток" я не говорил, а другу твоему сказал что-бы ты пошел на форум и создал "анбан-реквест." Да и с вашим перемирием это вообще ничего общего не имеет, все предупреждения на отдельные участки правила идут на отдельный список и не учитываются при бане игрока.
    Поправка: Файл "Гайды и Линии Модерации" нашего сообщества недавно обновили, и так как я был не-активен на небольшой период времени, я не заметил что за пункт "Угрозы взломания сервера" дали намного меньше наказание, т.к. бан на несколько недель. Извиняюсь.
    Но так как ты создал этот самый запрос на разбан, а так же не орал на меня с порога и не писал капсом как некоторые делают, я разбаню тебя полность. Только в следуйщий раз переведи правила сервера (ну или я буду не против помочь), не угражай никому взломом и не устраивай перемирие (Это я так, на будущее). С:
    П.С: Все эти лекции на "как вы не могли взломать сервер" не нужны были. И оригинальное сообщение можно редактировать (первое).
    English version:
    Hey there. As the server rules say, and if I remember correctly, any encouragement/threatening/attempt to harm or hack the server grants you a permanent ban. I've banned you for a month first because there was a guy with the similar name on the server and after I misclicked his name and accidentally gave that poor guy a "goodbye ticket"; I thought that there's something with the "Ban perma" option. That's why when I realised that it wasn't the right guy I banned you for a month and then increased that to perma. Also I never said anything along the lines "I don't understand jokes" to your friend. I explained to him what the situation was and why you were banned, as well as gave him an advice of helping you and creating a Ban Request on the forums. And it doesn't have anything to do with you and your friends trucing and prolonging the round; you got banned only because of that silly "joke."
    Edit: The Guidelines of Moderation of our community has been updated recently and I believe I was inactive when that happened. Because of that I gave you a permaban while you were supposed to be banned for a day/week. I apologise for that.
    And because you created this Unban Request, weren't shouting at me from the "threshold" and didn't go toxic like some people do, I'm happy to fully unban you. Just next time, try to translate and understand the server rules (you could ask me for help with that one), don't threaten anyone with hacking (you could even give joking about that) and don't truce. C:
    P.S: You didn't really have to write all these sentences about how you "were not capable of hacking the server." And the original message can be edited.
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