1. Hello Guest, if you have been banned from our servers and wish to be unbanned, you must read this thread in order to have your appeal processed by our staff members.
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Accepted UnBan Request

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by Mr Forrest, Nov 5, 2020.

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  1. Mr Forrest

    Mr Forrest Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Brief description of what happened before you were banned:
    So, i was banned because i found a flaw in the system, when you got killed in a round. The system would give you money. I then told myself, well. What happens if i give all my money to my friend, will it still give me money and it did. Did it to i got most guns in the game. After getting most guns, a week later an admin found out about the system flaw and checked my gift money history.
    Reason why you should be unbanned:
    Loved the gamemode, learned my lesson, the admin at the time told me he was going to unban me but i told him that i wanted to remain banned because i destroyed the fun for others. I do apologise and should have reported this flaw to a staff member. Just wanna play the gamemode again. You have my word, i will report any flaw i find.
    Admin who banned you:
    no clue, its been over 6 years or more.
  2. Sotori

    Sotori Flooderator Inc. Platinum VIP

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I'm willing to take your word here. Wanting to remain banned shows a lot to us about your character. It's been an incredibly long time, and I'm more than willing to pardon you as a result.

    Welcome back! Try to re-read our rules just in case you haven't to see if anything has updated on your side.

    Accepted and locked.
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