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Denied Unfair banning on forms / admin abuse

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by THEONE, Jan 14, 2017.


    THEONE Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    1. You banned People for just reporting there is nothing wrong with that therefore there are no rules broken, Tell me what rules were broken.........
    2. I have put a few hours on the devinity flood server, so far i have been having a good time. After last night the servers appeal has dropped. Last night, i was playing with 3 friends. (Dawson was online and playing during this time). After having my raft complete, and my 3 friends working on theirs, another player pushed me off my raft, and pushed my friends raft around the arena. Once we asked him to solve the issue nothing was done. 5 minutes later, the player starts prop pushing again, this time Dawson (admin) witnessed the prop pusher. ( All 3 of my friends saw this) after all of us requesting for him to do his job, and get rid of the prop pusher, another admin did his job for him. Dawson was playing and building 5 minutes previously, so he was not afk, or working on this server. After all 3 of us getting frustrated with his performance, and telling him off for not doing his job, Me and Isradoc, get a 1 day ban. While another friend only received a 1 hour ban for saying N word.

      Multiple players before us were telling Dawson that he was not doing his job, Everytime he took the time to ban them for "minging", so why couldnt he help us?

      After doing some research on this admin, i took quick visit to his steam profile. Clearly he has been going through depression and is clearly emotionally unstable. This all adds up because anyone who critiques him, was kick/banned. I personally believe he should not be an admin if he cannot do his job/ or is emotionally unstable because he cannot do his job effectively. Either way, an admin should not have that much responsibility if he/she cannot do the required task.

      I think Dawson should be demoted from admin, until he can successfully do his job

      p.s. This is Garry's Mod, if you cannot take criticism you should not be on the game, much less an admin.

    THEONE - STEAM_0:0:73819593
    Isradoc - STEAM_0:1:58691459
    TeaTimeWithTaylor - STEAM_0:1:82305351
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2017
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  2. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933

    Does this sound like a normal, moral, ethical human being to you?

    To anyone unaware this was posted on my profile 15 minutes ago.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    All players are now permanently banned because of the continued, non-stop harassment that was being made against Dawson despite the countless amount of warnings being given.

    2 words; Fuck off.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
    • Winner Winner x 3