VIP abuse

Discussion in 'Legacy Reports' started by Just Call Me Shooter, Jun 25, 2014.

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  1. Just Call Me Shooter

    Just Call Me Shooter Member Gold VIP

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Hi while i was playing today i noticed that a platinum VIP was using a material that made visibility of the boat hard for other players. Here are some screenshots of it. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] I for one thought it was unfair and needed to be brought up. Here is his steam ID: STEAM_0:0:76118288
    Thank you for your time and please deal with this problem
  2. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Hi Just Call Me Shooter!

    While this is technically against the rules, its not something I think a player should be immediately banned for. So, I'll keep an eye out for the player and inform them about the issue. If they ignore my warning, then they will get some kind of punishment which may include a ban.

    In the meantime, if you see the player doing this again. Feel free to direct them to the MOTD and/or to this thread.

    Thanks for taking the time to create this report. We appreciate your concerns!

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