Okay, its not exactly a "weapon", but more of a "support" item, that players can use in difficult situations. Also, its not just ONE item, but several diffirent ones, that can clearly give a "point" to this items and explain their true purpose (since im a goddamn master at misleading ideas (most of the times)) Boost Pack - a small package of drugs that people can use in battle. Each and every shot has its unique effects that can help you in certain situations. (example picture for every item) Name: Morphine Shot (Green). Details: One shot of Morphine (or any other drug) that slightly increases healing factor. Dont do drugs, kids! PROS: - You can use this item to slightly regenerate your health (1-1.5% per second). Effect lasts until you reach 100% hp. - You can also use this on your teammates. CONS: - One use only. - Regenerating effect disappears completly after recieving any kind of damage. - Only one type of shot from the Boost Pack can be equiped. You cannot equip two at once. **************************************************************************************************** 2.Name: Adrenaline Shot (Red). Details: One shot of Adrenaline (or any other drug) that slightly increases your action speed. And yes, you're not Flash. You're an addict. PROS: - You can use this item to slightly increase your action speed (50% faster than normal(x1.5)) for a limited amount of time (~6 seconds) - Effect of this drug increases your reloading speed, holster rate and swimming (running) speed. CONS: - One use only. - While the drug is in effect, you recieve twice as much damage from all sources. - It does not increase Fire rate of your weapons (Or melee only). - Only one type of shot from the Boost Pack can be equiped. You cannot equip two at once. **************************************************************************************************** 3.Name: Chrysalis Shot (Blue). Details: One shot of Chrysalis (or any other drug) that reduces pain threshold. Dont use too much of it or your skin will change color. Like... You'll be a Smurf for the rest of your life. PROS: - You can use this item to recieve less damage from all sources (x2) for a short amount of time (~6 seconds). CONS: - One use only. - You cannot preform any actions (fire, reload) while the drug is in effect. - You cannot use this item on your allies. - Effect does not reduce damage less than 1 (bugbait). - Only one type of shot from the Boost Pack can be equiped. You cannot equip two at once. **************************************************************************************************** Overall price (one item of each type): ~1000-2000$ Effects and types of druggs can always be added to a Boost Pack. Also, you can suggest your ideas, if you find something interesting to add here.
Adrenaline shot should cause a short slowdown period after it's effects have dissipated instead of double damage. Increase the time of the effect to 10 seconds, then for 5 seconds after, you move and do actions at 75% of the normal speed. This is very similar to what happens irl with adrenaline because you get exhausted from overworking yourself for that period of time. Other than that, pretty solid idea.
I think the speed one is unnecessary but the other ones are pretty dope. Sorry I didn't quite understand, are they one use only then you have to re buy it?
Nice idea,in my opinion i wanna make the game more difficult to win and not when you have 1 hp so you will be able to heal urself,peoples spent ammo and etc to get u to that low hp,if that will cost around 40k, thats ok.
Did you mean increasing your action speed by 15% or 150%? 1.5% is literally nothing and wouldn't be noticeable. I like the healing shot.
One use items are currently at a cool place in flood and I like the idea of more ingame items. High risk/high reward items like the 3rd item sound hilarious to mess around with and maybe prove to be useful from time to time with some testing and balacing ofc. Something I thought about was weapon limits to make your loadout more specialized depending on enemy boats and so on but the issue is again running out of ammo.
Yeah. Its an error of mine. It should be x1.5 (50% faster than normal). Thanks for informing me about this error.
I think it is an interesting addition that could be made to the flood arsenal. I personally am against one time use items, but I feel this one could be different. Im not sure and it would have to be tested but it seems rather interesting. None of them seem too overpowered either.