On Hold {Weapon idea} Targeting Binoculars

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Nyaaa~ ∑:3, Nov 16, 2016.


What do you think? Is it good?

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  1. Nyaaa~ ∑:3

    Nyaaa~ ∑:3 Old Champion

    Feb 24, 2016
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    So, Im having some ideas where weapons have... more of a "strategic" use. This, is one of those weapons.

    Name: Captain's Command (a.k.a Targeting Binoculars)

    Details: Targeting tool, that allows to mark "weak" points in boats and rafts.
    - Target the prop you need trough the binoculars (RMB) and then mark it (by holding LMB).

    - Marked props recieve more (x 1.5) damage from weapons (but not from explosions and fire)
    - Marked props are exposed (bright outline is shown too the players(?)\prop changes color(?))
    - Binoculars slowly recharge ammunition when depleted\holstered.
    - You can mark props for 8(?) seconds.

    - Prop is marked as long, as you hold LMB ("Fire" button). When ammunition is depleted, or button is released - prop will be unmarked.
    - Tool does not implement any kind of damage to props.
    - You cannot take Binocuars and Fire Extinguisher with you(?) In order to have Binoculars, Fire Extinguisher should be holstered\unequiped from inventory (and other way around).

    Damage ----------------------------- None. Zero. Nil.

    Ammo ------------------------------ 80

    Firerate ----------------------------- 10 per sec.

    Accuracy ---------------------------- Great

    Price ---------------------------------- 25.000$ (?)

    Every battle starts with a quick exploration. Captain uses his Binoculars to find weak points on enemy battleship and guide his crew. And when the time is right, the only thing you need to say is: "FIRE!"...
    And as you say "FIRE!" louder and louder, your teammates scream "Fire!" back at you, while your boat... caught in flames.
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  2. Seth

    Seth That Guy Platinum VIP Gold VIP

    Jul 4, 2016
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    A brilliant idea! I give full support, but would like to provide some feedback and brainstorming ideas to build on top of the ideas presented.

    I believe that marked props should be illuminated only to you and your teammates, if this weapon made you visible to everyone, targeting would become extreme. For example, say I won a couple rounds in a row, on top of the fact that I'm a staff member, I am essentially targeted every chance someone gets where it is not trucing, sometimes even when it is trucing, now obviously this doesn't ALWAYS happen, it just happen most of the time. Lets say a team of 3 players, and a solo player are shooting at me in the corner from left and right with the binoculars, my boat would disappear at the snap of my fingers if the damage was (x 1.5). I think the damage should stay where it is, but it should only be visible to players on your team, and yourself.

    I believe the marking time is right where it should be, if you moved it any lower I would say it is too low, any higher I would say too high, if we HAD to move it one way higher would be the way to go though. ;3
  3. Nyaaa~ ∑:3

    Nyaaa~ ∑:3 Old Champion

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I believe so too, but it would be kinda hard to realise. Also, damage from non-teamates will be amplified too, so marked\non-marked... you're gonna get rekt anyway. And its only 8 seconds. How can your boat dissappear in 8 seconds? (If its only 4 prop boat, then ye. You're rekt.)
  4. Seth

    Seth That Guy Platinum VIP Gold VIP

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I was suggesting that it would make targeting a little worse than it already was, not that big of a deal, and I still support this, but it would still do that if it were visible to everyone. Also, they wold not know which prop was *marked* by you, and could be shooting another prop, perhaps making the difference between life and death.
  5. Donkie

    Donkie Founder & Senior Developer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Making it show for only within the team would make it less cluttered but at the same time it renders the weapon useless for single players, which is definitely not something we want.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Make it do significantly more damage when used solo.

    As a solo player you basically take more damage vs a team (Especially when the team is co-operating very well). With that, I feel like it should be boosted it higher. Perhaps %15 instead of %1.5. Just imagine yourself meticulously marking props while solo. It would be a huge pain. So I think it really deserves the higher damage.
  7. Nyaaa~ ∑:3

    Nyaaa~ ∑:3 Old Champion

    Feb 24, 2016
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    It works differently, but... Mb its a good idea. I dont know for sure.
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