My most frustrating moment is when you mean to post a ban request but it breaks, you already closed the tabs to the person, lost his steam profile, lost his steamID, he left the game, not in recently played, and now you can't report him. I FOUND HIM!, AFTER A HOUR OF TRACKING HIM DOWN! OMG
My most annoying moment is having 100 health 3 full boats vs 1 boat nearly destroyed 4 bazookas then my props completely disappear. ;(
My frustrating moment is people necroposting. But for real, when people in Flood literally says 'OGM TAGERT CUNTRECRAPZ BECAUZ HE IS DE AIDMENGIE'
My biggest frustration is watching a forum staff post on a thread that's in the wrong section or a thread that should be deleted and not take any forum actions.
Most frustrating moment is when someone thinks they are on a high-horse and better than everyone else, but in reality they are just a piece of shit of a person.
Most frustrating moment is when staff are bullying my friends Oh and when there are staff that don't do anything and think they're higher than everyone else because they have a forum tag.