Many of you know that Slackbot and I got into a very heated debate in general last night and overused memes started popping up everywhere. Here's one to top them all: I tried to include as many Staff/members into the photo but there were only so many characters and profile pictures that really fit. Below I'll name which of you guys are actually in the picture, don't get offended if you were not added it has nothing to do with favorites. Some profile pics just went (Like how Skittles Autism Wand fell right into Winter Soldier's hand) In order: @Wolfgang @Skittles @CounterCraftz @Legacy™ @Dr. Pit Lazarus @Mapplesauce @Dawson @Decap @☜☆☞Logster004☜☆☞ @Slackbot Man
Spoiler: Alternate Posters #1-Slackbot Man, Captain Wolfgang, & Firedraft #2-Whose Side Are You On?: #3-ArrayBones:
I'd give a lot for it to turn out he's Nick Jr. just like in the comics. Then we'd get to see the classic Fury and maybe they'd tie him into Captain's origins
If they wanted to do that then they should have made it a story arc in that shitty Agent Carter TV show. It had terrible stories that were all over the place, could have used a good story like that.