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Denied Ban Appeal / Reduction - REW789

Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by REW789, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. REW789

    REW789 Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Brief description of what happened before you were banned:
    The ban was enacted once I was offline. However I was part of team in which the team leader was clearly pushing boundaries with the name. For this I will reference the screenshot that Jr Mod Alucard has taken. Link:

    This was dealt with when Jr Mod Alucard issued a warning to not just the team leader but all members of the team, in my belief as player and community member of the server was the correct action. This also seems to follow the excellent guide made by counter, on how to handle these situations:

    (which will be mentioned again and may be found at

    Upon trying to join the server was greeted with the following ban:
    Targeted Harassment, Racism, Bullying.

    Reason why you should be unbanned:
    I feel mature enough to understand that the name can constitute as Racism.
    And I feel as a first offense, the warning from Jr Mod Alucard was the correct move.

    From the Flood Rules Punishment Guidelines
    Enforcing Server Rules
    Unless the server itself is in immediate danger or the player is causing large disturbance that needs to be quickly irradiated, follow this simple rule:

    Warn → Kick → Ban

    • Warning Players
    When dishing warnings out to players: please try to be nice about it. Avoid immediately dishing out kicks or bans if a player is breaking a server rule, politely inform them that they are currently breaking a rule and to not do it again."

    I do not believe the server was in any way at risk of me causing a large disturbance. As seen above from the guidelines.

    I do also want to mention and fully understand this is a very low thing to mention. From having a 3rd party friend to join the server to read the rules and take screenshots of them and going over the guidelines Racism is not mentioned. I am in no way saying this nulls the ban or excuses the team leader of naming the team I was a part of something pushing the edge. I do think it may be something worth adding in. Again I will accepted responsibility for this and am not making light of it.

    Possibly pushing the limit a little, I do want to mention this being considered double jeopardy. To be punished twice for same singular infraction or action. Considering I was giving a warning and a ban for as far as I could tell, the same infraction.
    Targeted Harassment, Bullying:
    I have nothing to support this ban, nor am I aware of what calls for this ban. Certainly in games not just this server or restricted to Gmod, I can engage in trash talk and get into the game. I also am up for friendly conversation and can admit to making friends and enemies. People you want to rocket off the bat and taunt, (which I would see being allowed considering there is a !taunt command), but also have friends who you want to talk with and give advice during the build phase as they build.

    I will once again reference the Guidelines mentioned before to the following section.
    [05] . . . . . Do not deliberately disrespect, discriminate against or offend players.

    Before going about the situation, don't get too upset if a player seems to be joking around. However if you or another player is personally offended by this, tell the player to stop regardless and inform them that they are offending players and that Devinity strives for a friendly environment.

    If the player continues to do this after a stern warning, kick them from the server. If they return and continue to harass players, ban him for 1-7 days based on the extremity of the disrespect.

    If the player threatens to DDoS, expose personal information or anything to the likes, permanently ban him regardless of the punishment policy.
    I can state with absolute confidence I never was once told to stop, given a stern warning, or kicked, as the guide directs.
    Ban Length/ Reduction:
    The ban dealt to me was for 7 days, which is almost how long I have been playing on the server for. This really makes the server off putting to get back on after a ban of this length. What does this mean if I get banned again? It seems I was handed out a ban length that skipped way ahead of the outlined guideline and way outside of the normal from most game servers and certainly from this server.

    Looking through Sotori's infractions handed out and sorting through ban reasons similar to mine, the max I have seen was 3 days. Some of these were even for ban invasions, I would imagine that to follow a harsher punishment. I will attach files showing this under evidence.
    Also one ban was listed for a death threat and was handed a 2 day ban.
    Thank you for reviewing this ban appeal / ban reduction.
    Under the SteamID, I am going to add in the members of my team with the identical bans. If they need to each put in there own ban appeals, please let me know. I and them would find this extremely understandable. I just want to add them in, due to it probably following a close to identical post as this one.
    All of the words mentioned above are of my own. I merely mention them since we seem to all be in this together and lumped together as appose to an individual basis.

    I certainly hope this comes across as genuine, especially with the effort and research put into this. I can safety say I have read the rules start to finish at least 3 times.
    The server has been great fun bringing back all the hours of flood played years ago.

    Admin who banned you:

    STEAM_0:1:15154218 - Me (REW789)

    STEAM_0:1:667299 - Mackey
    STEAM_0:0:20661031 - Downey
    STEAM_0:0:39279601 - Kyle

    https://i.imgur.com/6IPmiJG.png - Comparison of Bans
    https://devinity.org/threads/flood-rules-punishment-guidelines-and-basis.6491/ - Guidelines
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2061559052 - Alucard Screenshot
  2. Sotori

    Sotori Flooderator Inc. Staff Member Community Manager Platinum VIP

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Your group of four have had a history of not just pushing a team name's innocence, but targeting users for harassment, lying to staff, and bullying someone out of the server they enjoyed. All of which have been so frequent that the logs alone would constitute this type of ban. Using bans I've given out to other users, and comparing them to yours I'd think it's pretty obvious you would have known by now the type of behavior you've been running around the flood servers with. You weren't told to stop because a staff wasn't around to tell you to stop. Coming to the forums and immediately making an unban request on the same day, if not a day later again shows none of you understand what's going on due to a rampant toxic behavior.

    The types of bans I hand out for ban evasions are ones that constitute leaving right after breaking a rule and/or coming back under a different account. I permanently ban users that come back under a different account. Recently you might find a user in the infractions log named Sebastian. Notice how two of the same name have permanent bans? That's why. How might the other bans be 2-3 days then you ask? Users leaving expecting not to be punished after they deliberately broke the rules. Falls under evasion of punishment ergo ban evasion. I shouldn't be held accountable by someone who hasn't experienced the situation firsthand, so why am I?

    Here's all the evidence I've compiled that tells me your bans will not be wiped.
    You haven't been playing flood "years ago". Neither have you been playing it for as long as you've said. The earliest I've seen your login record onto this server was back in November, not "years ago". This is applicable to your friends as well. All sessions of yours add up to a cumulative 16 hours of total gameplay.

    A log of text chat admitting you harassed a user out of the server, spamming, encouraging users to break the rules, and pushing the aforementioned racist name. It seems from as early as your group has been logging on to the latest, there's been nothing but a toxic behavior from those who you identify with. Enough of a reason to ban all of you for a day or two at the very least, considering if this was your friends trying to be as sportsmanly as possible. Even if it was, dishing out harassment to users in your eyes isn't the same to those actually being harassed.

    After I logged onto the server with the four of you on, you started asking me benign questions and went straight to telling me about how Krantz was harassing you and giving you guys a bad time on our servers to play the victim. The same thing that happened to Alucard, oddly enough. Clearly, falsifying information and lying to staff? Big nono.

    From what it seems if you're claiming the user prop pushed you guys first. you could have used our !calladmin feature, something designated to catch those types of people. If you're willing to ignore being civil about something like this and instead skip straight to bullying a user to the point where he is afraid to join the same server you four are in, I'd like to think that's not the type of story you're leading staff on to think.

    If you still think your ban is unwarranted, I'm sure you understand that staff reserve the right to decide all final punishments towards users. I've decided that you need time off to think about your friends' actions as well as yours personally.
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